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English I Honors—August 17, 2015

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1 English I Honors—August 17, 2015
Seating Chart: Find your name on the list. The number corresponds with your desk number. Daily Warm-up: What was the most exciting thing you did this summer? Homework: Study for Lesson 1 and 2 Vocabulary Quiz. (Friday) Return library permission slip and library card form by Thursday. Signed syllabus due Friday. $5 lab fee due 8/24. College Pennant due 8/24.

2 Tell us: Your name & what school you went to last year.
If you can trick a classmate, you get M&Ms. :)

3 1. I LOVE cats.

4 2. Taco Bell is my FAVORITE fast food restaurant.

5 3. I have FIVE children.

6 Contact Information I may only receive s from students from the school . If you send me an from a personal account, I cannot respond. We will set up your account sometime this week. Homework/Assignment notifications: My teacher page at

7 Classroom Rules 1. Arrive to class on time. 2. Be prepared for class.
3. Follow classroom procedures. 4. Do your own work. 5. Consume food and drink outside of class. I expect that you will be kind and respectful to your classmates. I expect that you will be kind and respectful to me, and I will give you the same courtesy. I will not tolerate bullying of any kind in my classroom. You will unleash something very ugly in me if I see/hear bullying in my classroom. I will also report you to Officer Lush. Don’t do it. We don’t have to like each other (it’s great if we do), but we can still do our job (learning/teaching) if everyone is respectful.

8 Grading Assessments 40% (tests, projects, essays, etc.) Quizzes 30%
Classwork 20% Homework 10% You will not have a semester exam. All assignments are due on the due date. I post multiple notices in class and on the school website, and give you plenty of time to complete them. Major assignments (essays, projects) receive 10% off for each day they are late up to 5 days. After the 5th day, the assignment is a zero. Missing work will be accepted on a case by case basis. No missing work will be accepted after progress reports go out. Extra credit opportunities are offered throughout the semester. Take advantage of them. No extra credit will be given at the end of the semester.

9 Make-up Work Policy Excused absence: Students may make up work following excused absences and receive full credit. Unexcused absence: Students may make up work following an unexcused absence and earn 75% of earned credit for the work. Students get one day per absence to return work.* Make-up work will not be accepted late whether excused or unexcused. *Tests and quizzes must be made up after school or lunch (by appointment only) and must be made up within the week they were missed.

10 Materials Pencils/Pens Paper Three-ring binder $5 lab fee due 8/24.

11 Assistance Mondays: Peer tutoring during lunch.
Thursdays: After-school tutoring 3:30-4:30. I am available other days if you make an appointment.

12 Programs Turnitin: You will turn in all essays to this year. Once I’ve taught you how to cite correctly and create original content, then you are responsible to make sure it happens. You will need to seek assistance prior to turning in your essays to avoid discipline for plagiarism. Reading Plus: You will have weekly homework (90 minutes) using the Reading Plus software. This software will help with any reading deficiencies you might have and will help to increase your proficiency on the FSA. Study Island: You will have Study Island assignments that align with the skills being taught in class. Most of these will be homework assignments, and you will know ahead of time when they are due.

13 Emergency Procedures Fire Drill: Quickly and quietly exit the classroom (leave your belongings). You will go out to the parking lot and stand in the parking spaces marked 104, and you will be silent. Once there, I will take attendance, so you need to stay with me. Code Red: Everyone will quickly and quietly move to the right side of the room (near the doors and the bulletin boards. You will stay silent and not make any noise. The drills will be intense and scary. You will get used to it. Code White: We will walk as a class to the Mets Stadium. Once there, I will take attendance, so you need to stay with me. Tornado Warning: Everyone under the desks.

14 Questions

15 English I Honors— Lesson 1 Vocabulary
1. commemorate: to serve as a memorial or reminder of. 2. eulogy: a speech or writing in praise of a person or thing, especially a set oration in honor of a deceased person. 3. quarry: any object of search, pursuit, or attack. 4. vital: necessary to life. 5. sustenance: a means of sustaining life; nourishment.

16 English I Honors— Lesson 1 Vocabulary
6. dire: causing or involving great fear or suffering; dreadful; terrible. 7. immortality: unending life 8. epitaph: a commemorative inscription on a tomb or mortuary monument about the person buried at that site. 9. predator: any organism that exists by preying on other animals. 10. longevity: a long individual life; great duration of individual life.

17 English I Honors— Lesson 2 Vocabulary
The prefix im- can mean “not” or it can mean “in”, “within”, or “into”. impartial—adj. treating all rivals or disputants equally; fair and just. imprint—v. impress or stamp (a mark or outline) on a surface or a body. n. a mark made by pressing something on a softer surface so the outline is left behind. imperceptible—adj. impossible to perceive. immaterial—adj. unimportant under the circumstances; irrelevant. imperturbable—adj. unable to be upset or excited; calm.

18 English I Honors— Lesson 2 Vocabulary
imprison—v. put or keep in prison or a place like a prison. impenitent—adj. not feeling shame or regret about one’s actions or attitudes. impersonate—v. pretend to be (another person) as entertainment or in order to deceive someone. implausible—adj. not seeming reasonable or probable; failing to convince. impervious—adj. not allowing fluid to pass through; unable to be affected by.

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