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Parent Teacher Home Visit Project at MCPS A collaborative effort to promote Graduation and Achievement for All February 7, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Parent Teacher Home Visit Project at MCPS A collaborative effort to promote Graduation and Achievement for All February 7, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parent Teacher Home Visit Project at MCPS A collaborative effort to promote Graduation and Achievement for All February 7, 2012

2 What is the PTHVP Model? An inexpensive and easily replicated model of family engagement Ends the cycle of blame between families and school staff Builds trust and respect Instills cultural competency Increases personal and professional growth

3 What are the measurable benefits? INCREASED: – Student attendance rates – Student test scores – Graduation rates DECREASED: – Suspension and expulsion rates – Vandalism at school site

4 “Increasing the success of all students -- one visit at a time” PTHVP mission statement Child views the teacher as part of their community Forges a bond between student, teacher and parent Student gains relationship with another caring adult Student is vested in his/her education A spark is ignited

5 Meeting Graduation Matters Missoula Goals Parents and teachers create a team for students' success Increased parent engagement with student and school Teachers integrate students' culture and home life in the classroom School specific goals met (ex. Preparing students for college enrollment) Teachers reported feeling energized about teaching

6 How can we implement this model for our families?

7 2011-12 Title I Goal: Design a home visit model that targets strategic students Transitional grade levels (Kindergarten, 6 th and 9 th ) Maintain or increase attendance rates for K-8 (currently 95%) Increase attendance rates for high school by 5% (currently 84%) Collaborate to Meet 21 st Century Initiative

8 Who is invited to participate? Teachers (all school personnel) Family Resource Center Specialists Counselors Social Workers Wraparound grant participants Principals Students and families

9 5 Non-negotiables Everyone is trained Visits are done in pairs Relationship building is the purpose of the first visit Visits are compensated The visit is voluntary for the school staff and the families

10 If you want to go fast - go alone. If you want to go further…go together. African Proverb QUESTIONS?...

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