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Chapter 11 Pretest The purpose of the Crusades was to regain the Holy Land from the (a) Hindus. (b) Moors. (c) Jews. (d) Muslims.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 11 Pretest The purpose of the Crusades was to regain the Holy Land from the (a) Hindus. (b) Moors. (c) Jews. (d) Muslims."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 11 Pretest The purpose of the Crusades was to regain the Holy Land from the (a) Hindus. (b) Moors. (c) Jews. (d) Muslims.

2 The Hanseatic League was formed by cities in (a) Germany. (b) France. (c) England. (d) Spain.

3 The attempt by medieval philosophers to reconcile faith and reason was called (a) patriotism. (b) usury. (c) capitalism. (d) scholasticism.

4 A Gothic cathedral has (a) rounded arches. (b) a gilded dome. (c) very few windows. (d) pointed arches.

5 Following its decline in western Europe in the 400s, trade first began to revive in (a) France. (b) England. (c) Italy. (d) Flanders.

6 Guilds were medieval (a) landowners. (b) systems of rights and obligations. (c) associations of merchants or skilled workers. (d) literary works.

7 Paris, Oxford, Bologna, and Salerno were sites of great (a) religious debates during the Reformation. (b) battles during the Crusades. (c) universities. (d) architectural advances.

8 The works of Dante and Chaucer were significant because they were (a) representative of medieval vernacular literature. (b) reverent in their attitudes toward the church. (c) representative of a new kind of literature called fabliaux. (d) miracle plays written

9 Ferdinand and Isabella told the Jews and the Moors that they would have to leave Spain unless they (a) converted to Christianity. (b) paid higher taxes. (c) learned the Spanish language. (d) gave up their land.

10 Two new weapons, the longbow and the cannon, were introduced into European warfare during the (a) First Crusade. (b) Wars of the Roses. (c) Hundred Years’War. (d) Fourth Crusade.

11 The work that stated the pope was only the elected head of the church and that all power actually belonged to the members of the church was called (a) Defender of the Peace. (b) Summa Theologica. (c) The Canterbury Tales. (d) Sic et Non.

12 An indirect result of the Crusades was that commerce (a) increased and feudalism was strengthened. (b) increased and feudalism declined. (c) declined and feudalism was strengthened. (d) declined and feudalism

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