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CAREER & FAMILY BALANCE. n For dry and sarcastic pictures that were used in this presentation please visit and view the “demotivators”

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Presentation on theme: "CAREER & FAMILY BALANCE. n For dry and sarcastic pictures that were used in this presentation please visit and view the “demotivators”"— Presentation transcript:


2 n For dry and sarcastic pictures that were used in this presentation please visit and view the “demotivators” n The author has now conflict of interest to declare regarding this sight other than a bent sense of humor

3 Process Overview Core Values Mission Vision Strategic Plan Annual Goals Short Term Long Term Time Low High Level of Detail McKinsey and Co.

4 What means a lot to you?

5 Your Plan  Values  Mission, passion  Goals: Career goals: Clinical care, Research, Education, Advocacy Single, double, or triple threat? Academics/non-academics? Personal goals

6 Career and Family Balancing MYTHS

7 Career and Family Balancing Myths n You are the only one who is out of balance n Only people in demanding careers like medicine are out of balance n If only I could be more efficient n If only I could sleep less/had more energy n If only I had the right partner… n If I take care of everyone else, I’ll be OK… n I can be a perfect spouse, daughter/son, parent, and physician

8 Coping Strategies Reported by Women Physicians in Academic Medicine Levinson W et al. J Am Med Women’s Assoc 1992;47:25-28 n Changing structural aspects of personal and professional life n Changing personal expectations n Increased efficiency n Social support

9 Coping Strategies: Changing structural aspects of personal and professional life n Hired/purchased support73% n Limiting personal/social activities54% n Limiting/restructuring professional activities14% n Delegation/negotiation of tasks 4% J Am Med Women’s Assoc 1992;47:25-28

10 Coping Strategies: Changing personal expectations n Attitude/cognitive reappraisal8% n Personal attention/tension reduction 12% n Partition and separate roles9% n Overlook demands, reduce standards4% n Family activities and vacations7% n Eliminate roles3% n Setting priorities, reevaluation5% J Am Med Women’s Assoc 1992;47:25-28

11 Coping Strategies: Increased efficiency n Activities aimed toward maximizing efficiency for meeting all demands53% J Am Med Women’s Assoc 1992;47:25-28

12 Coping Strategies: Social Support n Spouse16% n Nonspouse7% J Am Med Women’s Assoc 1992;47:25-28

13 Healthy Recipe for Success n Make time every day for one-on-one time with your significant others [partner/children] n Don’t get sidetracked by interruptions n Ask for help n Maintain a positive attitude n Remember, you don’t have to be perfect

14 Healthy Recipe for Success n Know yourself n Be honest with yourself and others n Keep your sense of humor n View others in a crisis as an opportunity to practice resiliency

15 Healthy Recipe for Success n Having some control over schedule and work hours

16 Set priorities and decide what comes first

17 Top 10 Balancing Guidelines Adapted from Berkowitz C, Gahrmann NA 1. Know your mission & values, set priorities and decide what comes first 2. Build a support network 3. Let go of guilt 4. Establish limits and boundaries, learn to say “no,” don’t try to be all things to all people 5. Be organized

18 Balancing Guidelines Adapted from Berkowitz C and Gahrmann NA 6. Enjoy quality family time, time with kids and partner 7. Take care of yourself 8. Be flexible, recognize there will be lack of balance at times 9. Share tasks, delegate, ask for and use help 10. Keep things in perspective, enjoy each day

19 Time Management Tips n Say “no,” be picky n Delegate n Make everything you do count for two— multi-task

20 Time Management Tips n Know the time rhythm that works for you and your family –Identify your peak hours and use them for peak activities –Schedule mindless tasks for mindless times –Figure out how your rhythms work best with your family’s

21 Time Management Tips n Know the physical environment where you are most productive –Where? Starbucks? Music? –Clear your desk –Go paperless

22 Time Management Tips n Have protected scheduled time for tasks –Writing time –Family time –Spouse time –Your time

23 Time Management Tips n Control the phone and email –Delegate –Reply at set hours –Limit time on each call and reply n Control the mail –Review mail during another activity –Review mail over the recycling bin –Handle each piece once

24 Time Management Tips n Fight procrastination n Live close or use travel time wisely n Avoid the “tyranny of the urgent”

25 Tips from a Surgeon n Your children get only one childhood – make it memorable n Frame every “disaster” with these words, “in 5 years, will this matter?” n Your job will not take care of you, your family will. Take care of your family McHenry CR. In search of balance. Amer J Surg 2007. 193: 293-7

26 URGENT NOT URGENT IMPORTANT -project deadline -sick child -clinical crisis -time with loved ones -journal reading -writing/publishing-exercise NOT IMPORTANT -most phone calls -most daily interruptions -most one hr meetings -most TV -most gossip Adapted by # and Stephen Covey

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