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Overview of Evaluation of Assigned Responsibilities for Administrative Support Positions for Designated Client Staff Dan Stahl, SPHR.

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Presentation on theme: "Overview of Evaluation of Assigned Responsibilities for Administrative Support Positions for Designated Client Staff Dan Stahl, SPHR."— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview of Evaluation of Assigned Responsibilities for Administrative Support Positions for Designated Client Staff Dan Stahl, SPHR

2 Position Task Questionnaire (PTQ) Orientation

3 Objectives: Identify Position Task Questionnaire (PTQ) purpose in this study. Explain relationship between PTQ and goals of this study. Provide guidance for completing your PTQ.

4 Program Outline: Part 1:Why Do We Have the PTQ? Part 2:Connection Between PTQ and this Study Part 3:Definitions of Key Terms Part 4:PTQ Elements Part 5:Completing your PTQ

5 Why the Study? 1.5 FTE of work (tasks) must be analyzed and redistributed. Will existing staff state they have 20% slack time?

6 Why the Study? Need to determine: –What are the tasks –When are the tasks performed –Can the tasks be deferred –Can tasks be eliminated –Can the task be done differently

7 Issues AB What is the situation of the 1.5 FTE? (A or B)

8 Issues What is the “Urgency” of the tasks represented by the 1.5 FTE? Does the task need to be performed immediately, or can it be performed later?

9 Issues Situations to avoid The annual work is not evenly divided among the employees. The annual work is not evenly divided over the course of the year.

10 Issues Data Review Total hours of all tasks Total hours by position The quality of the data will be reviewed to determine that changes are based on an accurate representation of the situation.

11 How will the data be obtained? Each of these methods will be used.

12 Part 2: The Connection: PTQ and Position Workload 1.The basis for determining work distribution. 2.Identifiable tasks described in a sentence.

13 Part 3: Definitions of Key Terms Position Task Questionnaire: (PTQ) is a document describing tasks of a specific position.

14 Task A task is an identifiable activity performed for the District. Examples: –Perform entry of data into Skyward –Answer inquiries about District policies –Compile budget data –Prepare payroll checks Part 3: Key Terms …

15 Part 4: Elements of the PTQ A.Position Identification Your position will be already displayed. (for reference) B. Position Tasks Activities performed daily, weekly, etc.

16 C. Position Tasks Tasks are grouped into 4 categories: Daily (tasks that occur every day) Weekly (tasks done once a week) Monthly (tasks uniquely monthly, District Attendance Report, etc Project or Annual (Prepare annual budget)

17 C. Position Tasks Identify tasks or activities using a single sentence. Choose an approximate % of time

18 Part 5: Completing the PTQ The PTQ is prepared using an online system. Each participant is provided credentials to access the system. A participant may continue to revise their responses.

19 Part 5: Completing your PTQ Special notes: You may print a copy of your PTQ at any time. This will help your thought process. You may continue to make changes to your PTQ until 5 pm on the close date. Just login with your credentials. Save your work by “Submitting” it at the bottom of the page. If you have an extended period of inactivity, the system will close your session and unsaved entries are lost.

20 Procedure Demonstration:






26 Click on this button to proceed to the next page of the process.

27 Procedure Demonstration:




31 Task Examples: Answer inquiries and/or make appropriate referrals to other staff. Assist coordinators with parent and staff contacts for CCIES (Centrally Coordinated IEP System). Conduct regular tests of Emergency Alert System and verify proper operation. Develop/update resource manual/handbook for District staff, Principals, and other staff.

32 Procedure Demonstration:


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