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Organizational Behavior

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1 Organizational Behavior
Analyzis Framework for Foxconn Suicide Cases in 2010 Group : One Teacher : Wu Min Tongji University

2 Group Membres Quanfang Li Laura Cataldi Marie-Diane Pivot Kali shen
Aleksanteri Heliövaara Sen Pang Md. Manik Rana Chowdhwry

3 Framework and individual’s task
Background Introduction into working culture in China : KaiLi Shen & Quan Fang Li General information of Foxconn & Introduction to the Analyzis Framework : Aleksanteri Heliövaara: Human Recourses Management: Md. Manik Rana Chowdhwry & Seng Pang Employee opinion survey : Laura Cataldi & Marie-Diane Pivot

4 Introduction to the Analyzis Framework
1. First we study the fundamental working culture in China. 2. Secondly we study the human recources management framework used to manage the workforce with in the company. 3. Finally we will make a comparison between findings and the information we collect with an employee survay. Outcome → We will find out if there are fundamental inconsistances between the emplyee needs compared to the management framework used to manage to workforce of the company.

5 Background Introduction into the working context in China
Family structure and burden Most employees in Foxconn are from western or central China .But there are always more than one child in central or western China .So there are high family load. Education background information or situation. Before 1990s the free compulsory policy has not been enforced. All the family has to pay the tuition for the children who attending school. So many children drop out and forced to make money in the young age.

6 Background Introduction into the working context in China
Present development situation Many young people work in the city factories but cannot afford the city life for example the housing and schooling condition. They enjoy low social status in the city. Chinese working culture Because of the high living cost in China. Many young people in China more eager or willing to make money with little entertainment.

7 General info about foxconn
Foxconn is an Taiwanese electronics manufacturing company. Foxconn works as a supplier for multiple internationally known brands such as Nokia, Apple, Sony Samsung etc. This makes Foxconn the worlds biggest electronics manufacturer. Foxconn produces around 40% of all consumer electronics sold. Foxconn's largest factory is located in Longhua, Shenzen wherearound workers work for the company. Sometimes this factory is referred as the Foxconn City as it is said to include all neciserities for the workers. Around quarter of the workrers working in the factory are said to be located in the factory dormitories. Sience 2012 has been blamed for bad working conditions and several mass suicides occured in the Foxconn factories. The Foxconn workers have said to work in the factory for 12 hours 6 days a week.

8 Human ressources management
 Military Style Management Foxconn is inspired and influenced by how the Japanese runs their factories and includes their tradition of self regardless and sacrifice to the company they work for. Japanese tradition which is also famous for its regimental management and culture of hardworking and self-sacrifice to strive for only the best results and outcome for the company they work for. Such Japanese tradition of self-sacrifice and hardworking culture is actually part of the Confucius philosophy.

9 Lack of Intangible Management
Foxconn maximum worker comes from china rural area who has family responsibilities and work is important of them. Working for long hours on an assembly production line doing the same thing repeatedly for 10 hours in highly manufacturing culture such as Foxconn which requires their workers to work hard giving their best everyday without mistakes while producing at top speed is an obvious lack of interpersonal management skills in the company and a serious mistake. Because this not only add more stress to the workers but may indirectly caused these workers to suicide as they have been enslaved as a worker in Foxconn forever unable to get out of this race while their dream of a better life in the city.

10 What Foxconn should do? Increasing salaries and building facilities such as restaurants, cinemas and supermarkets are great ideals. This is a temporary solution for management of Foxconn. Foxconn needs to reevaluate their floor managers and office managers and the management itself. I think the main conflict between the workers and Foxconn is not only the salaries. Foxconn workers must have felt that the Foxconn management treats them. There is no relationship established with both sides because there is no trust build into this relationship. The management may insensitively pushed these workers into their breaking down because they wanted to meet production deadlines and the expectation of the quality control themselves and their clients like by Apple. This might be a very good insight on why Foxconn workers went on strike.

11 This suvey is totaly anonymous
IV. Employee opinion survey This suvey is totaly anonymous 1. BACKGROUND QUESTIONS How long have you been working for foxconn ? What is your professional status ? Have you been able to evolve in the company so far ? do you like your job ? can you describe the atmosphere of the company

12 Do you like your job ? “ We don’t learn any technical skills at Foxconn; every day is just a repetition of one or two simple motions, like a robot.” « We’re trapped in a “concentration camp” of labor discipline—Foxconn manages us through the principle of “obedience, obedience, and absolute obedience. Must we sacrifice our dignity as people for production efficiency? »  Employees feel overwhelmed and not treated as human beings , this is a great source of anxiety and psychological troubles

13 2. CURRENT SITUATION How many hours per week do you work?
How many overtime hours do you do? Do you feel paid enough for the work you provide? Do you feel a lot of pressure in your work? Does the pressure at work affect your personnal life? Is the pressure permanent or temporary? From who the pressure comes from? How do you feel before going at work? How often do you feel depressed because of work ? Do you have some people to talk to within the company ? Do you observe other people under pressure or depressed and how do you react ?

14 How many hours per week do you work?
“We can’t stop work for a minute. We’re even faster than machines.” “four days of rest or less in a month”  The work load tends to be a major problem and a source of pressure for employees

15 How many overtime hours do you do ?
“Most of the Foxconn workers usually have 80 hours of overtime work each month” “The increase of workload was not compensated”  About 1,000 employees went on strike for several hours last october because of the impossible worlkoad

16 Do you feel paid enough for the work you provide?
“I’m no longer able to muddle through my job in Shenzhen. Every month I make only over a thousand yuan, and if I don’t marry I could get by a few years, but if I marry, I’ll have to raise kids, it’s really not enough for that Our days are truly hectic, and even if you’re strong it’s difficult. Most people in my dorm are unmarried, and I feel that married people generally won’t come here, the wages are so low”  March 2011: The basic monthly wage (with 40-hour normal work weeks) of assembly-line workers was 950 yuan (or US$147) in Foxconn.

17 From who the pressure comes from?
“After work, all of us—more than a hundred persons—are made to stay behind. This happens whenever a worker is punished. A girl is forced to stand at attention and read aloud a statement of self-criticism. She must be loud enough to be heard. Our line leader would ask if the worker at the far end of the workshop could hear clearly the mistake she made. Oftentimes girls feel they are losing face. It’s very embarrassing. Her tears drop. Line leaders, who are also under pressure, treat workers harshly in order to reach productivity targets.” From who the pressure comes from? “If someone makes a mistake at Foxconn, the person below them must take responsibility. If something bad happens, I get screwed, one level screws another Higher-level people vent their anger at those below them, but who can workers vent to? That’s why frontline workers jumped from those buildings.”

Do you think the managers are trying to keep a good atmosphere in the team ? Do you take any medicine, see a doctor a psycologist to limit the stress ? Do you sometimes miss work because of the pressure? Would you be willing to leave the company ? Explain

19 Do you think the managers are trying to keep a good atmosphere in the team?
“”The rules don’t seem reasonable. The top management might have the right idea, but by the time it comes down to our supervisors, things have changed.”  ”Management is abrasive. Management verbally abuse workers and reduce some workers’ overtime hours on purpose.”

20 Would you leave the company?
With some workers leaving after a day’s experience, turnover rates are high and that necessitates constant recruitment ‘I was so desperate that my mind went blank’.  The luckiest employees will have enough courage to leave the company if they are unhappy in it, but some others won’t be able to take such risk regarding their family need, and this can cause high depression troubles


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