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Presentation on theme: "LOCAL CONTROL AND ACCOUNTABILITY PLANS January 2016"— Presentation transcript:


2 Explain infographic The LCAP is intended to be a comprehensive planning tool, aligned with all other plans you have in place and focused on closing achievement gaps through a continuous systems improvement structure. We want to support you in all phases-development, implementation and monitoring of your LCAP, and so we have developed our workshops with that in mind. (Go over agendas)

3 Agenda for January Action Timeline Annual Update
Stakeholder Engagement Using data to tell your story Work Time

4 Agenda for February Focus on Systems Alignment & Leadership Capacity
Fewer Districts, ½ Day Identify Focus Area District Support Structures Monitoring Lead Metrics Engaging Site Leadership May & June Workshops District/Site Alignment & School Site Action Plans

5 Agenda for March Goals, Actions, Expenditures and Progress Indicators
Use of Supplemental and Concentration grant funds and proportionality E-Template Work Time

6 Sample Timeline July – October November - January February - March
*Identify and consult stakeholders *Identify and assign staff responsible for components of plan *Develop timeline for implementation checks, data collection and reporting *Review EOY data *Review alignment of district plans with LCAP November - January *Consult stakeholders *Conduct needs assessments *Begin updating progress on Annual Update, continue gathering data *Review LCAP goals, actions and services for needed adjustments *Review final, SBE-approved LCAP & Annual Update Template *Review proposed state budget and local implications February - March *Continue updating progress on Annual Update and sharing with stakeholders *Draft goals/actions/services for new LCAP *Present draft LCAP to stakeholders, asking for feedback *Present draft LCAP to KCSOS for feedback *Review draft LCAP Evaluation Rubric when available April - June *Review May revision of proposed state budget and local implications *Invite public comment on draft LCAP *Finalize Annual Update *Present final draft LCAP to PAC’s, stakeholders & respond to comments in writing as appropriate *Present final draft to KCSOS for feedback (before June 15) *Hold LCAP & budget public hearing *Receive local board approval *Submit to KCSOS before July 1 for approval Review then table discussion-where is your district in this process? Note those steps which you have taken, those you are planning and we will share out by table.

7 LCAP Template Section 1: Stakeholder Engagement
Section 2: Goals, Actions, Expenditures, and Progress indicators Annual Update Today we will be focused on two parts of the LCAP template-the Annual Update and planning stakeholder engagement. The template and regulations remain the same from last year. There is an e-template being developed but it’s use will be voluntary and we will provide more information as it becomes available this year. Section 3: Use of Supplemental and Concentration Grant Funds and Proportionality

8 Purpose of the Annual Update
Accountability in LCAP Progress towards expected outcomes using, at a minimum, the required metrics Status of planned expenditures Opportunity for Reflection Assessment of the effectiveness of actions / services in the plan Description of any changes in actions / services / expenditures resulting from the review and assessment Sharing information with stakeholders and describing the impact on the plan

9 Annual Update Each goal is addressed from prior LCAP:
Related priorities, schools/pupil subgroups, expected outcomes, planned actions/services, budgeted expenditures, & scope of service -All of the information from your LCAP has been transferred to the Annual Update (as originally written) Review requirements of this section of template. Notes reflect areas we commonly found could be strengthened. As you work with stakeholders focus on how much of the action or service has been completed, as your progress will be limited due to the time of the year. Complete a copy of this table for each of the LEA’s goals in the prior year LCAP. Duplicate and expand the fields as necessary.

10 Annual Update For every priority checked, must include all required metrics. Actual Annual Measurable Outcomes: Progress toward the expected outcomes based, at a minimum, on required metrics is reviewed -All required metrics with the most recent data available are included (see example) Recommendations: Group outcomes by priority; list outcomes once then refer back by page number. Example-handout with all metrics-table-put on website-copy/paste only applicable metrics from table Complete a copy of this table for each of the LEA’s goals in the prior year LCAP. Duplicate and expand the fields as necessary.

11 Table Discussion What data are you reviewing?
Which leading indicators are you considering? Is your data disaggregated by subgroups? How often are you reviewing the data? Who is involved in the review of the data? What format are you using to share data? (Discussion, written, infographic) REPORT OUT: What did you learn about your data analysis process? Is there anything you are going to change about the process? analysis process? Is there anything you are going to Table discussions? Share out after-answer questions: What did you learn about your process? Is there anything you will you change about your data analysis process? Examples of leading indicators. Prep for Stakeholder mtgs? Internal vs external?

12 Annual Update LCAP Year for Annual Update is entered
-Don’t forget to make sure correct year is in the template! Estimated Actual Annual Expenditures are included: -What you actually spent Actual Annual Services: A description of the actual annual actions/services is included -What you actually did Review requirements of this section of template. Notes reflect areas we commonly found could be strengthened. As you work with stakeholders focus on how much of the action or service has been completed, as your progress will be limited due to the time of the year. Complete a copy of this table for each of the LEA’s goals in the prior year LCAP. Duplicate and expand the fields as necessary.

13 Annual Update Actual Scope of Service: Description of actions/services
-Which schools/grade levels you actually served Actual Pupils Served: -Who you actually served Choose ALL or Subgroups-NOT BOTH Review requirements of this section of template. Notes reflect areas we commonly found could be strengthened. As you work with stakeholders focus on how much of the action or service has been completed, as your progress will be limited due to the time of the year. Complete a copy of this table for each of the LEA’s goals in the prior year LCAP. Duplicate and expand the fields as necessary.

14 Annual Update Actual Annual Measurable Outcomes:
Don’t forget the required metrics, but also include… Actual Annual Measurable Outcomes: For each goal, the review of progress includes an assessment of the effectiveness of the specific actions. -You have included language that provides evidence you have “assessed effectiveness” of your actions (i.e. “In reviewing progress towards this goal, it was determined that the actions described in the plan are: (1) effective and to be continued or (2) are partially effective and to be modified or (3) not effective”; OR “Actions x/y/z were found to be effective based on analysis of (data); Actions l/m/n/o were undetermined as to effectiveness due to lack of change in data, however research shows that full implementation of ________ requires “x” years, therefore the actions will continue and be monitored; Actions a/b/c were found to be ineffective based on (data) and will not be continued in the LCAP.”“Changes to specific actions are described in the box below.”) Add arrow Add handout on research on implementation-they can look at it while discussing Complete a copy of this table for each of the LEA’s goals in the prior year LCAP. Duplicate and expand the fields as necessary.

15 Annual Update Any changes to goals, actions, expenditures are described. -What did you do differently? What will you do differently? What expenditures were different or will be different? Review requirements of this section of template. Notes reflect areas we commonly found could be strengthened. As you work with stakeholders focus on how much of the action or service has been completed, as your progress will be limited due to the time of the year. Complete a copy of this table for each of the LEA’s goals in the prior year LCAP. Duplicate and expand the fields as necessary.

16 Table Discussion How are you assessing the effectiveness of your actions? How are you determining when changes are necessary? Share example-implement after school programs. Is there a resource we can share to have them thinking about how to determine when to change (time of implementation?)

17 Annual Update Copy from approved LCAP ESTIMATED year end expenditures based on implementation of actions What changes in actions, services and expenditures

18 $434,975 The amount here should be the amount that was reported in Section 3A of your Approved LCAP.

19 $400,000 The amount here will come from your Estimated Actuals Annual Expenditures in Section 2 Annual Update section of your LCAP.


21 Estimated Actuals – Communicate

22 LCAP Template Section 1: Stakeholder Engagement
Section 2: Goals, Actions, Expenditures, and Progress indicators Annual Update Section 3: Use of Supplemental and Concentration Grant Funds and Proportionality

23 LCFF? What is LCFF? Need better resolution? Explain infographic
The LCAP is intended to be a comprehensive planning tool, aligned with all other plans you have in place and focused on closing achievement gaps through a continuous systems improvement structure. We want to support you in all phases-development, implementation and monitoring of your LCAP, and so we have developed our workshops with that in mind. (Go over agendas)

24 Section 1: LCAP Template
Involvement Process Impact on LCAP Describe process used to consult with the required groups: Parents, Pupils, School personnel, Bargaining units, Community How did you receive input from these groups? (i.e. survey, meetings, focus groups) How frequently did you receive feedback? (quarterly, monthly, weekly) Annual Update: Stakeholder engagement is a critical component of the LCAP process, and there is an intent to include your stakeholders in the evaluation of the effectiveness of your plan in the annual update, as well as having input on new priorities/goals/action moving forward. Difference between what to put in these boxes can be difficult; annual update meetings would include data specific to progress towards goals and impact on the development of annual update, not the overall plan. Could be where you indicate information that would be included in the “change” box.

25 Section 1: LCAP Template
Involvement Process Impact on LCAP Describe how the consultation contributed to the development of the LCAP. What was the feedback from your groups and how was that input used when you created your LCAP goals? (i.e. “recommendations from stakeholders were researched, prioritized and included in next year’s plan as deemed appropriate”) Annual Update: Stakeholder engagement is a critical component of the LCAP process, and there is an intent to include your stakeholders in the evaluation of the effectiveness of your plan in the annual update, as well as having input on new priorities/goals/action moving forward. Difference between what to put in these boxes can be difficult; annual update meetings would include data specific to progress towards goals and impact on the development of annual update, not the overall plan. Could be where you indicate information that would be included in the “change” box.

26 Section 1: LCAP Template
Involvement Process Impact on LCAP Annual Update: Describe the stakeholder involvement process for the review. How did you share progress towards your goals with stakeholder groups (i.e. infographics, dynamic data on webpage, monthly report)? How frequently did you meet and what did you review? Stakeholder engagement is a critical component of the LCAP process, and there is an intent to include your stakeholders in the evaluation of the effectiveness of your plan in the annual update, as well as having input on new priorities/goals/action moving forward. Difference between what to put in these boxes can be difficult; annual update meetings would include data specific to progress towards goals and impact on the development of annual update, not the overall plan. Could be where you indicate information that would be included in the “change” box.

27 Section 1: LCAP Template
Involvement Process Impact on LCAP Annual Update: Describe its impact on the development of the annual update to LCAP goals, actions, services, and expenditures. What was the feedback on your LCAP goals/actions/expenditures and how was that input used for your LCAP? Stakeholder engagement is a critical component of the LCAP process, and there is an intent to include your stakeholders in the evaluation of the effectiveness of your plan in the annual update, as well as having input on new priorities/goals/action moving forward. Difference between what to put in these boxes can be difficult; annual update meetings would include data specific to progress towards goals and impact on the development of annual update, not the overall plan. Could be where you indicate information that would be included in the “change” box.

28 Table Discussion How are you involving stakeholders in the process of review and development of your LCAP? Report out on bright ideas

29 Helping Data Tell A Story
Stacey Stansberry Coordinator, EdTech

30 A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words
stop at 6:16

31 Making School Data Beautiful
LCAP Example Excel

32 Paid or Freemium Options
Gobo-Free LCAP infographic as a sample

33 Communication Short, sweet and to the point Importants points first
7 second glance Use colors, photos, graphs, etc Santa Rosa example Redlands Example

34 Resources Online Flipbook Creator from pdf‎
Shortcut to LCAP Resources all in one place

35 Data Analysis Sites CAASPP results Kern County Data
Public Tableau

36 Progress Monitoring -Classroom walkthroughs Google Forms
C3 Collect, Connect, Coach Common Core Template

37 Diagnostic Tools Student benchmark systems
Brightbytes Early Warning System, etc -Aeries Analytics -Data dashboard

38 Next Steps February Strategic focus area; strengthening systems alignment and leadership capacity related to implementation of LCAP March Report out on progress in focus area Report out on annual update and stakeholder engagement New goal/actions/expenditures Use of S/C funds

39 Resources Curriculum, Instruction & Accountability & Fiscal District Advisory Contacts Website FAQs Workshop Materials CCSESA Approval Manual/Process Review Checklist Resource List by State Priority


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