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What ingredients makes the perfect energy smoothie?

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Presentation on theme: "What ingredients makes the perfect energy smoothie?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What ingredients makes the perfect energy smoothie?

2 Expert: “You never want to just have an all fruit smoothie, that’s why I suggest coconut oil.” Book: Anatomy of Smoothies Base: Fruits and vegetables Nuts and seeds Liquids: Creamy liquids low-fat yogurt, silken tofu, ice cream, sherbet, sorbet; (You need to use a thinner liquid in addition to the creamy liquids to blend well.) Thinner liquids: low-fat milk, low-fat soy milk, fruit juices, vegetable juices, water, green tea, coffee, and chai. Additions (optional but recommended): Flavor additions: dates, raisins, fruit juice concentrates, peanut putter, honey, maple syrup, and stevia Thickening additions: cashews, almonds, avocado, and peanut butter Nutritional additions: wheat germ, flaxseed oil, spirulina (kelp, seaweed), bee pollen. Caco, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, acerola power, whey protein power, protein drinks, ginseng, vitamin C power, echinea, lechitn, carob

3 Echinea: Echinea has anti-inflammatory properties and antibiotic properties which makes it good for colds energy, and blood pressure. Lechitin: Lechitin aids brain function, cell growth and energy. Stevia: stevia is a natural sweetener

4 Additives Water or ice Fruit juice Milk or yogurt Soy milk Nut milk Controlling the texture and temperature Fruits and veggies Sweeteners (organic or natural) Antioxidants (large portions) Probiotics Flax seed Antioxidants Natural sweeteners

5 Raw and Organic Additives Bananas (potassium) Raw and organic nuts or seeds (organic almonds, raw organic cashews or even raw organic pumpkin seeds) Liquid Essential Fatty Acids (cod liver oil, liquid salmon oil, flaxseed oil, walnut oil) Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil Berries (organic freeze-dried strawberries) Protein Powder (hemp protein, pea protein or soy protein, vanilla whey protein powder) Organic Flax Seeds (hemp seeds) Raw Honey Chia Seeds Apples Powdered Greens (green max powder, organic barley grass powder, or organic wheat grass juice) Leafy Greens Coconut Water Ice Cubes

6 Grass fed cows dairy Any dairy products used in a smoothie is best if it comes from grass fed cows. Yogurt Milk Sorbet Ice cream

7 Additive Ginkgo Ginkgo Improvement in thinking, learning, and memory (cognitive function) Improvement in activities of daily living Improvement in social behavior Fewer feelings of depression Flavonoids are plant-based antioxidants Terpenoids (ginkgolides) improve blood flow by dilating blood vessels and reducing the stickiness of platelets Ginkgo helps the blood moving, flowing, and circulation though out the human body.


9 Big 6 1.Task definition -Explain the material difficulties 2.Information seeking strategies - 3.Location and access - 4.Use of information - 5.Synthesis - 6.Evaluation -

10 Question you can ask: step one 1.What does this assignment require me to do? 2.What will my product/project look like if I do a really good job? 3.What problem needs to be solved? Ask your teacher to clarify the assignment if needed to be repeated in a way for you to understand it so it is not confusing. Think about and decide on the correct equipment that will be needed to complete the task.

11 Identify information needed to complete the task (to solve the information problem) 1.What information do I need in order to do my task? 2.How much information do I need? 3.What type of information do I need? (e.g. facts, opinions, graphics, charts, maps)

12 Questions for K-2 students to ask: 1.What am I supposed to do? 2.What will the result look like if I do a really good job? 3.What do I need to make to show what I learned? 4.What do I need to find out about in order to do the job?

13 Asking Good Questions: Defining Essential Questions: 1.often involves a moral or ethical dilemma and/or address issues of bias or perspective. 2.has no right or wrong answer 3.probes for deeper meaning and sets the stage for further questioning 4.centers around major issues, problems, concerns, interests, or themes that are relevant to your students' lives 5.can cover several disciplines

14 KYVL 1.Plan – define your subject, start brain storming, what I know chart, similar ideas to the subject, key words and phrases, preform you ideas, and gather tools, 2.Search for information – library encyclopedia, contents and index, magazines, dictionary, and etc. 3.Take notes - 4.Use of the information - 5.Report - 6.Evaluate -


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