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Hobbs Middle School Student Expectations

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1 Hobbs Middle School Student Expectations

2 Attendance School Time 8:00-3:00
If you are absent parent or guardian must excuse Please ask them to call before 8:30 Credit will not be granted if you are absent more than 90% of the time in a SEMESTER (9 Times)

3 Being Late and Hall Etiquette
Be to class on time 1 Tardy = Verbal Warning 2nd Tardy = Verbal Warning 3rd Tardy = In Class Punishment (Parents Called) 4th Tardy = Office Referral Office Referral #1 = Detention (Parents Called) #2 = ½ Skill Building (Parents Called) 5th = 1 Day Skill Building (Parents Called) Please do not be loud Please do not interfere with others going to class Do not wait until the last minute to get to class

4 Make Up Work Policy Students are responsible for obtaining the work missed if they are absent Students will have the number of days missed plus one to make the work up If you are going to miss multiple days and would like to request work from your teachers please do so before 9:00 AM through the office

5 Closed Campus This means that you can not leave campus from 8:00 to 3:00 Students who choose to leave campus unauthorized will be considered truant Truancy could result in skill building or suspension or police action or a combination of the three

6 Grades and Teacher Contact
Grading Periods Progress Reports 1/Quarter Report Cards 1/Quarter Semester Grades PowerSchool USE IT! Teacher Contact Teachers are available ½ hour before and after school and Phone Student Led Conferences End of 1st and 3rd Quarters

7 Electronic Devices Personal Electronic Devices Not for School Hours
Use during school hours will result in the device being taken away 1st Time Taken = Student Pick Up After School 2nd = Parent Must Pick Up 3rd = 1-3 Days of Skill Building

8 Things With Wheels and That Move on Their Own
Bikes Skateboards Roller Blades Ride them to school Store them when you get here Cannot use during school time Leave your pets at home

9 Personal Items at School
Students are responsible for supervising their own personal property Please do not leave personal property unattended Please take personal property home with you

10 Dress Code The following clothing is not allowed:
Obscene pictures or slogans Ads for alcohol tobacco or illegal drugs Shows an act of violence or criminal activity Gang related Disrespectful of other groups or people Hats

11 Dress Code Part II Underwear is not outerwear keep it covered
No Tank Tops Cover the Midriff (Belly Button) Shorts and Skirts must reach mid thigh Clothing will be provided for infractions of the dress code Refusal to comply with the dress code will result in student being asked to go home

12 Going to Lunch Step by Step Exceptions: RED TICKET Bell Rings
Retrieve what you need Wash hands Eat lunch Go outside Have Fun! Exceptions: RED TICKET

13 Paying for Lunch Meals may be paid for in advance Know your student ID
Meals may be paid for day by day Charging of meals is not allowed Free and reduced lunch applications are available in the cafeteria

14 Keep Your Hands to Yourself
PDA No one wants to see it No Pushing No Shoving No Hitting You get the point

15 Bullying Bullying Threats Verbal and Physical Repeatedly making fun of or belittling another student Social Media If the person asks you to stop what you are doing or saying repeatedly and you do not you are bullying A complete description of the district policy can be accessed on the district web page under student policies

16 Harassment Policy Idaho Law Code Harassment is against the law
18-917A. Student harassment -- Intimidation -- Bullying. (1) No student shall intentionally commit, or conspire to commit, an act of harassment, intimidation or bullying against another student. (2)  As used in this section, "harassment, intimidation or bullying" means any intentional gesture, or any intentional written, verbal or physical act or threat by a student that: (a)  A reasonable person under the circumstances should know will have the effect of: (i)   Harming a student; or (ii)  Damaging a student's property; or (iii) Placing a student in reasonable fear of harm to his or her person; or (iv)  Placing a student in reasonable fear of damage to his or her property; or (b)  Is sufficiently severe, persistent or pervasive that it creates an intimidating, threatening or abusive educational environment for a student. An act of harassment, intimidation or bullying may also be committed through the use of a land line, car phone or wireless telephone or through the use of data or computer software that is accessed through a computer, computer system, or computer network. Harassment is against the law

17 Expectation of Privacy
Safety Issue = No Expectation on School Grounds Personal property on school grounds can be subject to search Warrants are not necessary for a search to occur on school property

18 Discipline. =Possible Law Enforcement
Discipline *=Possible Law Enforcement **=Classroom Procedures Prior to Disciplinary Action Problem 1st Offense 2nd Offense 3rd Offense **Tardy referral 2 lunch or 1 after school detention, Parent called ½ day of skill building, Parent called 1 day skill building, Disruptive behavior 1 day of skill building, Substitute referral Student removed from class lunch detentions Student removed from class, after school detention, Student removed from class, skill building, Parent called Failure to serve assigned detention Detention time doubled ½ - 1 day skill building, 1-2 day skill building, Non-compliant Lunch detention Parents called Skill building **Cheating (level 1) Classroom procedures, Detention or ½ day skill building, Parent called 1-2 days skill building, **Cheating (level 2) 1-2 days skill building, Parents called 2-3 days skill building, 4-5 days skill building, Parents called Harassment/bullying 1 day suspension, 2 day suspension 3 day suspension, refer to district office **Obscene, abusive, inappropriate language, or behavior 1 day skill building or suspension Parent conference Truancy Skill building time served for time missed of class (minimum ½ day), Skill building time served for time missed in class (doubled), Parent conference Skill building time served for time missed in class (tripled), Parent conference Sexual harassment 1-2 days suspension, Parent conference 3-4 days suspension, 5 days suspension, Insubordination or Disrespectful to teacher *Fighting/Physical/Verbal Threats 2-3 days suspension, Parent conference 3-5 days suspension, Long-term suspension or expulsion, Parent conference *Tobacco/Drinking 1-3 days suspension, Parent conference Long-term suspension, *Theft Restitution 1-3 days of skill building 1-3 days suspension, Long-term suspension *Vandalism 1-3 days of skill building, Parent Conference *Possessing and/or Using illegal drugs 3-5 days suspension, Parent conference *Possession of firearms and/or weapons Long-term suspension or expulsion.

19 How do I Get to High School?
To be promoted in The Shelley School District Middle School Program, beginning in grade 7 students must pass 80% of the courses they are enrolled in and not fail a full year of any core subject. Core subjects are defined as English, Math, Social Studies, and Science. Students must attend class 90% of the time. A parent conference will occur prior to a retention decision

20 Zero Tolerance Policy Actions or threats of violence carry a Level 5 Discipline Response LEVEL 5: These deeds of misconduct are considered to be most serious in that they put other people at physical or emotional risk. Examples of Level 5 misdeeds are arson, possession of weapons, false alarms on bomb threats or fire, intent to distribute drugs, rape, battery (when a student is guilty of, or was intending to administer a dangerous beating to another person), and other similar misconduct. Level 5 crimes may be handled by police but will also carry school penalties. a. First Offense. The principal shall refer the student to the school board for expulsion or transfer to an alternative school (Idaho Code ). Students who are expelled may forfeit all opportunities to participate in extracurricular activities for one calendar year

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