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Sight-Singing for the First Time HEY, MISS W.! WHAT IS “SIGHT-SINGING?!”

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2 Sight-Singing for the First Time


4 Sight-singing is singing music you’ve never seen before! First you practice the rhythm, then you sing the notes, and THEN you put it all together! Let’s try it!

5 Pump- kins, pump-kins, come with me! Jack-o- lant-erns you will be. “Pumpkins, Pumpkins” by Miss W.

6 First, let’s tap and say the RHYTHM!

7 Now let’s sign and sing the NOTES!

8 Next, let’s put it together. Sing the notes on “ta” and “ti-ti”!

9 Pump-kins, pump-kins, come with me! Jack-o- lant-erns you will be. Now, can we sing it on the words?

10 Can-died ap- ple, can- died treat, what a yum-my treat to eat! “Candied Apples” by Miss W.

11 Remember, first we read just the RHYTHM.

12 Now we sign and sing the NOTES.

13 Now let’s put it together. Sing the notes on “ta” and “ti-ti.”

14 Can-died ap- ple, can- died treat, what a yum-my treat to eat! Now let’s put it all together and sing the words!

15 Now can you do one all on your own? Look at it carefully, and raise your hand if you think you can sing it. Leaves fall all a - round, See them fall-ing to the ground. 1. Practice the rhythm (“ta” and “ti-ti”). 2. Practice the notes (“so” and “mi”). 3. Put them together and sing the notes on “so” and “mi” IN RHYTHM. 4. Put all these together and sing on words.

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