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The Christian and Public Worship (5)

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1 The Christian and Public Worship (5)

2 Our Best in Worship As in every aspect of our lives as Christians, God deserves our best efforts in our worship to Him This includes our attitude Every act of worship must be done “in spirit and in truth” (John 4:24) Thus far we have addressed the Lord’s Supper & giving Today we address our singing

3 Singing Singing is an act of worship
There is little debate concerning this, though for some modern churches is becomes the focal point of their “worship” Ephesians 5:19 Colossians 3:16 1 Corinthians 14:15

4 What is the purpose of singing in worship?
Singing in Truth What is the purpose of singing in worship? It is not to entertain or to display one’s talents! We praise God – Hebrews 13:15, 2:12

5 Singing in Truth What is the purpose of singing in worship? Teaching and admonishing one another, speaking to one another – Colossians 3:16, Ephesians 5:19 That is why songs must be scriptural and designed to teach in some way

6 Singing in Truth Singing only!
There is no authority for instrumental music Consider above passages Brethren together – Matthew 26:30, Acts 16:25 Based on Old Testament quotes – Romans 15:9 (2 Sam. 22:50) Hebrews 2:12 (Psalm 22:22)

7 Singing in Truth Singing only! Brethren together – Hebrews 13:15 – the sacrifice of praise James 5:13 – is anyone cheerful, let him sing Notice how all texts mention ONLY singing, even the OT quotes!

8 Singing in Truth Singing to one another! Congregational – Colossians 3:16, Eph. 5:19 It is not about entertainment – no choirs, “praise bands”, beat-bopping, or imitating instrumental sounds

9 Singing in Truth What are we to sing? Colossians 3:16, Eph. 5:19
Psalms – songs of praise taken directly from inspired scripture Hymns – other songs of praise and thanksgiving Spiritual songs – songs that teach and build us up

10 Every act of worship has its unique qualities
Singing in Spirit Every act of worship has its unique qualities Singing is unique in the way we participate together Making melody & with grace in your heart – Eph. 5:19, Col. 3:16

11 Singing in Spirit We can encourage each other toward faithful living – think about your brethren 1 Corinthians 14:15, we sing with understanding – do we know what the song is about? Various words? How is your attitude in singing?

12 Preparing for singing The leader
Singing includes various resources such as song books, helps in proper singing and a song leader 1 Cor. 14:26 – to avoid confusion His efforts can set the tone for the entire worship service Strive to do your best!

13 Preparing for singing The leader Have a desire to lead and to improve as needed (ability and quantity) Prepare before you lead – what songs, and verses? Are they scriptural and understandable? Are they appropriate for the occasion?

14 Consider learning new songs (to you) to expand the numbers we sing
Preparing for singing The leader Practice – sing all verses to see if there are parts that need work Consider learning new songs (to you) to expand the numbers we sing Lead them for the audience, not you!

15 Consider pitch – think of audience, not you!
Preparing for singing The leader Announce the number clearly and at least twice – LOUDLY! Consider pitch – think of audience, not you! Consider difficulty of songs – does the tune make it difficult to teach and admonish? Consider your volume

16 Preparing for singing As we sing together Participate – (for some it is not natural), but it is STILL commanded. Do the best you can. It does NOT have to be perfect. That is not what our singing is about. Follow the leader – look up!

17 Preparing for singing As we sing together Sing with understanding – follow along with the words in your mind. Teach yourself too (i.e. Eph. 5:19, “Speaking to yourselves” - KJV) Sing with enthusiasm and joy. Are you grateful and blessed?

18 Are we giving God our very best as we worship Him?

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