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Expanding Opportunities Promoting Inclusive Opportunities for Young Children With Disabilities: A Cross Agency Initiative OSEP/NECTAC National Early Childhood.

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Presentation on theme: "Expanding Opportunities Promoting Inclusive Opportunities for Young Children With Disabilities: A Cross Agency Initiative OSEP/NECTAC National Early Childhood."— Presentation transcript:

1 Expanding Opportunities Promoting Inclusive Opportunities for Young Children With Disabilities: A Cross Agency Initiative OSEP/NECTAC National Early Childhood Conference December 3, 2007 Washington, DC

2 Inclusion Policy Forums In 2004, CCB, ADD and OSEP held two policy forums to discuss challenges and strategies in the inclusion of young children with disabilities in community-based settings and activities. Participants included parents, service providers, researchers, federal, state and local administrators and technical assistance providers.

3 Policy Forum Recommendations Create a comprehensive, cross-systems approach to inclusion. Bring together national-level stakeholders to build and implement a common vision. Additional recommendations in Awareness/Public Relations, Policy, TA and Dissemination, Professional Development, Data Collection and Analysis, Financing Strategies, Monitoring and Accountability, Research. Two Project Forum proceedings documents are available through NECTAC’s Expanding Opportunities page: High Quality Inclusion Opportunities for Preschool-Age Children with Disabilities and Inclusive Early Care and Education Forum Synthesis

4 Cross-Agency Inclusion Initiative In response to these Policy Forum recommendations, the Child Care Bureau, Office of Head Start, Administration for Developmental Disabilities and OSEP have invited cross-agency teams from 3 to 4 states per year to participate in a strategic planning initiative called…..

5 Expanding Opportunities for Young Children with Disabilities and Their Families Through State- Wide Interagency Efforts First meeting was held August 2005 as a pre-conference day at the Fifth National Early Childhood Inclusion Institute in Chapel Hill, NC Subsequent teams met in 2006 and 2007.

6 Expanding Opportunities (Cont.) State teams included representatives from Head Start, Child Care, Administration on Developmental Disabilities programs, and IDEA early childhood programs. Teams came together to develop state action plans targeted at improving inclusive opportunities for young children with disabilities in their state.

7 Federal Partnerships Child Care Bureau, Office of Head Start and Administration on Developmental Disabilities each provided funds for the state representative from each of their respective agencies to attend the meeting. Each Federal agency committed their TA network to provide follow-up support to the Inclusion Teams as they began to implement state plans.

8 Technical Assistance Follow-Up Once teams returned to their states, Technical Assistance Networks from CCB, Office of Head Start, OSEP, and ADD began to work with state teams on further developing and implementing their plans.

9 Technical Assistance Contacts  National Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (NECTAC)  National Child Care Information Center (NCCIC)  Regional Resource Centers for Special Education  National Head Start Training and Technical Assistance Resource Center  Head Start Regional Disabilities Services TA Providers

10 Participating States Year 1 (2005): Arizona, Florida, Iowa, Montana Year 2 (2006): Delaware, Idaho, Tennessee, Wisconsin Year 3 (2007): Kansas, Massachusetts, Oregon

11 State Team Contacts Florida – Kim Galant Iowa – Mary Schertz Montana – Karen Martin Arizona – Valerie Andrews Delaware – Jim Lesko Idaho - Mary Jones Tennessee – Debbie Cate Wisconsin – Jill Haglund Kansas – Jennifer Spencer Massachusetts – Patricia Cameron Oregon – Jennifer Olsen

12 Federal Team From Left to Right: Beth Caron, OSEP; Nancy Treusch, OSEP; Ginger Johnson, OSEP; Jim O'Brien, HS; Jennifer Tschantz, OSEP; Zack Poimboeuf, CCB; and Moniquin Huggins, CCB. Jennifer Johnson, ADD, was not able to attend the meeting.

13 Federal Partner Contacts Jim O’Brien Office of Head Start Administration for Children and Families (ACF) U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Beth Caron US Department of Education Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (202) 245-7293 Moniquin Huggins Director, Program Operations Child Care Bureau Administration for Children and Families (ACF) at HHS (202) 690-8490 Jennifer Johnson Administration on Developmental Disabilities Administration for Children and Families (ACF) at HHS (202) 690-5982

14 Other Initiatives CSEFEL SpecialQuest National Professional Development Center on Inclusion (NPDCI)

15 Next Early Childhood Inclusions Institute

16 State Teams Idaho

17 State Teams Oregon

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