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 vita (life)vitamin, vitality, revitalizeLatin  demo (people)democracy, demographyGreek  stereo (solid)stereoscope, stereotypeGreek  ism (doctrine)Marxism,

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Presentation on theme: " vita (life)vitamin, vitality, revitalizeLatin  demo (people)democracy, demographyGreek  stereo (solid)stereoscope, stereotypeGreek  ism (doctrine)Marxism,"— Presentation transcript:

1  vita (life)vitamin, vitality, revitalizeLatin  demo (people)democracy, demographyGreek  stereo (solid)stereoscope, stereotypeGreek  ism (doctrine)Marxism, capitalism, pluralism Greek  cogn (know)recognize, incognito, cognizantLatin  sur (over)surplus, surpass, surchargeLatin  alter (other)alternator, alteration, alternativeLatin  astr (star)astronomy, asteroid, disasterGreek  dyna (power)dynamic, dynamo, dynamiteGreek  chron (time) chronometer, synchronize, chronicGreek

2  In the spring of 2215, the rebuilt New York was a revitalized city.  The theory of democracy was proven effective by the United States.  If there is stereophonic sound, can there be stereo smell?  The horrors of corrupt gangster capitalism are impressed upon people's minds every day that passes.  The leader was traveling incognito to avoid being recognized.

3  The overwhelming economic disasters could not be surmounted.  Our previously unchanged plans have suffered an alteration.  If the asteroid struck the earth, it would be a disaster.  Her dynamic personality made her an obvious choice for the powerful role.  Please synchronize your watches to the bell schedule.

4 1. Is Robert a surname? No, the surname goes over the whole family. 2. Do most executives use chronometers ? Yes, they use watches to measure time. 3. Is a viable fetus able to survive? Yes, it is able to live. 4. Is it a good thing to be cognizant of the laws? Yes, it is good to know the laws.

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