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AEA9: Iowa Core Webinar April 7, 2011. 2 AWichman, Mississippi Bend AEA9.

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Presentation on theme: "AEA9: Iowa Core Webinar April 7, 2011. 2 AWichman, Mississippi Bend AEA9."— Presentation transcript:

1 AEA9: Iowa Core Webinar April 7, 2011

2 2 AWichman, Mississippi Bend AEA9

3 Questions?  Please type any questions you might have regarding Iowa Core, in the chat box.  Nicole will look at them, then we will answer at the end of the Webinar.

4 Questions from the field: 1. How often are schools updating their plan? 2. When an action item is completed, how do we note that on the EdInfo site? 3. At what point do we add the next action step to our plan? (IE: we have 1.a.1 done, do we add the next step?) Big thanks to Preston for submitting these tough questions!


6 What’s going on?  All schools/districts across the State are engaging in the Spring Peer Review Process, where teams will share progress made & work to update plan to include evidence  Waiting for financial word  ICAT not updated yet (mid-April date)  Follow: bniebling on Twitter for updates

7 End-of-Year Survey  We will be sending out an end-of-year survey via “Survey Monkey” to be completed by May 1, 2011  It will contain many of the same questions as last year’s, but helps with future planning  Please let your colleagues know the link will be coming as a broadcast.

8 Posted Info Videos New Video from DE: “From Common Core to Iowa Core” option=com_content&view=article&id=2111 ALSO, new English/Language Arts & Math Videos (from DE) posted at:

9 Moodle Server Change  It was a “Heartland” link, now it’s an “AEA Statewide” link  There are transitioning now, once all content over, not done yet..  After the change over date, message will be prompted, “Site no longer valid.”  More information to follow via email to Iowa Core listserv ADDRESS:

10 STATE OF IOWA EDUCATIONAL SUMMIT IN JULY  July 25-26 at the Iowa Event Center in Des Moines  United States Secretary of Education Arne Duncan will deliver the keynote speech on Monday morning, July 25th  More information at #iaedsummit, in April “School Leaders” update, or office of the Governor

11 Jason Glass, Director  Follow @ jasonglassia  Articulates Three Areas of Focus: 1. Clarity needed around standards and assessment system 2. Focus on the human capital system 3. Innovative Education

12 AEA9 Web Page Updated  Dates & Links Added  Content Updated

13 No May Webinar.. Why?  Response that teams need to watch the others  Teams NEED to be updating Iowa Core Implementation Plans  Teams NEED to be making Iowa Core decisions/focus for ‘11-’12 school year  NOT because we know you’re busy... This work is important!

14 2011-2012 DATES Iowa Core Specific Content

15 2011-2012 Webinars  3:40-4:40 pm (note time change)  No Registration Necessary, no cost DATES  September 8  October 13  November 10  December 8  No January!  February16  March 7 (note Wednesday!)  April 12  May 10

16 Iowa Core Sessions ‘11-’12  New Addition to programming!  Will include Peer Review, Leadership Team development, & transformational change DATES  Bettendorf Service Center: October 3, 2011 & February 6, 2012  Muscatine Service Center: October 10, 2011 & February 14, 2012  Maquoketa Hurtsville Center: October 28, 2011 & February 21, 2012  REGISTRATION AVAILABLE SOON!  No cost to participate.

17 Alignment Sessions ‘11-’12 DATES  Technical Training: September 22, 2011  Leadership Team Training: August 8, 2011 or January 9, 2012  Results Data: November 28, 2011 or June 7, 2012  REGISTRATION AVAILABLE NOW!  No cost to participate.

18 Revisiting Our Path Iowa Core

19 Constructing the Opportunity to Learn We must raise the level of teaching so that each and every student is prepared for the 21 st Century. We are to the point in redesigning curriculum for whom it is constructed... the students.

20 Iowa Core Vision Each and every K-12 student will learn and demonstrate understanding of the essential concepts and skills identified in the Iowa Core for life in the 21 st Century. No matter what happens, we can’t lose sight of the vision!

21 Where are you? Did you cross any bridges this year? Major reform or “tweeking”? DISCUSS NOW HONESTLY or INDEPENDENTLY WRITE HONEST RESPONSE TO BE SHARED

22 OUTCOME SIX Instruction

23 Outcome Six Outcome Six is probably the most complex of the outcomes and has the potential for the greatest impact for students.

24 THIS OUTCOME IS ABOUT...  Collaborative teams working together in schools to improve student achievement AND instruction  Understanding what effective instruction looks like, feels like, sounds like THEN making appropriate changes to provide strong instruction  80% of the students learning the content of the Iowa Core

25 Theory of Action If content is challenging and relevant and teachers routinely deliver instruction that demonstrates the characteristics of effective instruction, then student learning and performance will increase.

26 Discuss  What does that mean for your teachers?  What does that mean for your students?  What does this mean for you?

27 Outcome Six - To Be Continued....

28 CONTACT INFORMATION REMINDER  Amy Wichman,, 563.344.6484 Twitter:  Nicole Peterson,, Twitter: peterson_n PLEASE CALL OR EMAIL IF YOU NEED ANYTHING!

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