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Campaigns staff network Welcome Philip Hadley, Campaigns Effectiveness Officer, NUS.

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Presentation on theme: "Campaigns staff network Welcome Philip Hadley, Campaigns Effectiveness Officer, NUS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Campaigns staff network Welcome Philip Hadley, Campaigns Effectiveness Officer, NUS

2 Campaign Staff Network Objectives What is campaigning Principles of effective campaigning Campaigns cycle and strategy – identify the steps to planning a campaign and begin to plan a campaign Next steps Be aware of the other support available to you

3 Campaign Staff Network 10.00amArrivalTea & coffee provided 10.30amWelcome | Philip Hadley, Campaigns Effectiveness Officer 10.45am Using social media in campaigning | Dan Higgins, Web Officer, NUS 11.30amPrinciples of effective campaigning| Philip Hadley, Campaigns Effectiveness Officer, NUS 12.15pmUnpaid internships | Dannie Grufferty, VP Society and Citizenship, NUS 1.00pmLunch & Guest speaker | Effecting measurable change for students: Putting theory into practice | Oliver Kasper, Campaigns and Democracy Coordinator, University of Nottingham Students’ Union 2.15pmCampaigns show and tell | Rhiannon Hedge, Education Officer, University of Swansea Students’ Union 3.00pmThe shape of the campaigns staff network | Philip Hadley, Campaigns Effectiveness Officer 3.30pmClose Agenda

4 Campaign Staff Network what is a campaign?

5 Campaign Staff Network “organised actions around a specific issue seeking to bring about changes in the policy and behaviours of institutions and/or specific public groups…the mobilising of forces by organisations to influence others in order to effect an identified and desired social, economic, environmental or political change.” - NCVO What is a campaign?

6 Campaign Staff Network Public support and engagement is important for the effectiveness of a campaign but awareness raising and other methods are means not ends. Whatever you call it, campaigning is about creating change – the impact is the real change - the difference - in people’s lives. Campaigning in categories

7 Campaign Staff Network Effective campaigning What are the principles of effective campaigning? ‘Vision without action is only dreaming, action without vision is only passing time, but vision with action can change the world.’ - Nelson Mandela ‘No revolution can take place without a methodology suited to the circumstances of the period’. Martin Luther King

8 Campaign Staff Network Principles of effective campaigning Select the issue which is right for you Compile strong and compelling evidence Develop a clear strategy – set a specific aim and impact Understand your targets and how to influence them Involve, (devolve power to), and empower beneficiaries and supporters Work with useful allies and coalitions Communicate well and persistently – be creative Stay with the issue through to resolution Promote a campaigning culture – embed campaigning Adapted from Coe, J. and Kingham T. (20 ) Tips on Campaigning Practice (London, NCVO)

9 Campaign Staff Network The Impact Chain INPUTS (resources) ACTIVITIES (what gets done) OUTPUTS (what’s generated by your activity) IMPACT (changes in students’ lives) OUTCOMES (what gets done)

10 Campaign Staff Network Campaigns cycle

11 Campaign Staff Network Now what? Support Activist development programme Bespoke in-house activist training for students Campaigns effectiveness programme Advice & support, campaigns staff network, online hub Contacts Philip Hadley – / Dani Beckett – / Hannah Charnock – /

12 Campaign Staff Network Review of objectives What is campaigning Principles of effective campaigning Campaigns cycle and strategy – identify the steps to planning a campaign and begin to plan a campaign Next steps Be aware of the other support available to you

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