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ComPASS Summary, Budgets & Discussion Panagiotis Spentzouris, Fermilab ComPASS PI.

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Presentation on theme: "ComPASS Summary, Budgets & Discussion Panagiotis Spentzouris, Fermilab ComPASS PI."— Presentation transcript:

1 ComPASS Summary, Budgets & Discussion Panagiotis Spentzouris, Fermilab ComPASS PI

2 Summary 1)Accelerators are complex instruments with a wide spectrum of design requirements depending on the application  Multi-scale, multi-physics modeling requirements 2)To help maximize performance and minimize cost, ComPASS is successfully developing the new generation of HPC accelerator modeling tools, aiming to  Provide integrated multi-physics capabilities  Utilize petascale capable solvers and algorithms 3)The ComPASS target applications are well aligned with the accelerator science priorities of HEP, NP, and BES 4)The success of the program relies on the effectiveness of the collaboration of ComPASS with the SciDAC CET’s and Institutes and the support of the DOE HPC facilities in providing the necessary scientific software infrastructure.

3 Summary topics 1 & 2  Complexity of targeted application stresses even more the on occasion classing requirements for Modern software design and infrastructure, timely applications and availability of simulation capabilities Performance of computational aspect on LCF class hardware, which of course evolves at the same time Shared memory (for example GPU) based platforms Some activity on software development for new hardware architectures, but need to maintain balance, constrained by funding profile application deliverable requirements

4 Scientific Software Libraries CS, math algorithms, solvers Physics algorithms Accelerator modeling framework: geometry, physics models Accelerator applications Analysis, visualization infrastructure ComPASS software ComPASS CET, Inst. Facility

5 New architectures  Adapting to these new multi-core, shared memory architectures, requires significant effort in adapting our existing physics algorithms for optimal performance. In addition, to maximize the utilization of our software on a variety of platforms by non-expert users, it is necessary to increase effort in software infrastructure development.  Redirecting effort beyond the prototype/investigation level will affect significantly application deliverables  Additional support is required

6 Funding Issues (summary topic 3)  Original idea was to fund “expert” users, at the post-doc level (NP & BES activities)  With the existing funding profile (especially for BES), resulting to fractions of post-doc per activity; this is not a viable option

7 Funding issues continued  Although limited BES & NP funding was provided for ComPASS applications, ComPASS tools have been applied to such projects by leveraging resources from different (non-SciDAC) funding sources. Some of these activities are now in need of development of application capabilities that cannot be provided in a synergistic way  additional resource allocation is necessary in order to proceed with such activities  increase or consolidate funding

8 Summary topic 3  approval of both BELLA and FACET  experimental programs for investigating new accelerator techniques  Introduces additional needs for application support and possibly interactions with increased user base in AA

9 Summary (4)  Development of comprehensive PIC and quasi- static PIC capabilities not a well covered area in SciDAC CET’s and Institutes  Proposal activities in this area not funded  PIC is used across the project, and development of optimal algorithms at the physics application level is necessary for achieving petascale performance in many AA and BD applications

10 Discussion time  but before the discussion  Many thanks to  our collaborators from the SciDAC CETs and Institutes for their participation and essential contributions to the advancement of our program  ASCR, BES, HEP, and NP offices for their support  and of course, the review committee members for contributing their time and expertise to help our program succeed!

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