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FY2016 Homeland Security Grant Application Workshop Homeland Security Division Heart of Texas Council of Governments December 3, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "FY2016 Homeland Security Grant Application Workshop Homeland Security Division Heart of Texas Council of Governments December 3, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 FY2016 Homeland Security Grant Application Workshop Homeland Security Division Heart of Texas Council of Governments December 3, 2015

2 Workshop Topics OOG HSGD Request for Applications Completing the Application Regional Grant Process


4 Module Topics Applicable rules, regulations, and certifications (including civil rights rules) Who can apply Eligible activities Request for Applications (RFA) prohibitions State strategies/funding preferences Regional priorities

5 Rules, Regulations, and Certifications Submission of an application worksheet certifies and assures that the applicant complies and will continue to comply with a number of federal and state statutes Complete list of rules, regulations, and certifications is provided in the application worksheet

6 Who Can Apply? Incorporated municipalities, counties, regional councils of governments, states, federally- recognized Indian tribes, senior universities and colleges, and nonprofit organizations Applicants must meet eligibility requirements established by the state and federal government

7 Eligibility Requirements Emergency Management Plan – Intermediate level National Incident Management System – Adoption of NIMS – NIMS Implementation Policy/Procedure Texas Regional Response Network – Active account – HSGP-funded, deployable assets valued >$5,000 listed

8 Eligibility Requirements (continued) A-133 Audit – If >$500,000 in federal & state grant funds expended in fiscal year – Must be conducted by an outside agency or auditor Criminal History Reporting – 90% or greater reporting compliant for both adult and juvenile cases by county

9 Eligibility Requirements (continued) Active DUNS number Active account Compliance with 2006 & 2008 Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) Compliance History with the Uniform Crime Report (UCR) for applicants operating a law enforcement agency Attendance at one of the mandatory Grant Application Workshops

10 Eligible Activities Must support one or more of the Homeland Security Core Capabilities Budgetary line items must be allowed in the Authorized Expenditure List May not include any item prohibited by Texas OOG or DHS/FEMA Must address a protection, prevention, mitigation, response, and/or recovery need Must coincide with a goal, objective, and priority action identified within the Texas Homeland Security Strategic Plan 2015-2020

11 Eligible Activities Modification to existing structures or the construction of new structures WILL require an Environmental & Historical Preservation Study (EHP) – Effective documentation within the application will prevent applicants from having to complete unnecessary EHPs – EHPs can take 6+ months of project time for approval from DHS/FEMA

12 RFA Prohibitions Certain equipment items are prohibited for purchase with Homeland Security Grant Program funds – Weapons and weapon accessories (including less- than-lethal), Ammunition, explosives – Compensation for elected government officials – Religious activities – Lobbying – Promotional gifts

13 RFA Prohibitions (continued) – Membership dues for individuals – Tickets or fees for activities or sporting events – Food, beverages, or refreshments, except pre- approved events – Fundraising – Any other prohibition imposed by nthe federal, state, or local law. – Non-P25 compliant radio equipment – Equipment/services not categorized in the AEL – Training not approved by FEMA and OOG

14 RFA Prohibitions (continued) All budget line items are evaluated for approval on a case-by-case basis by the OOG – Effective documentation of need and use of each item on the application aides in ensuring approval – When in doubt, document! Who is receiving/using What is being purchased/funded When will milestones be accomplished (timeline) Where will assets be located/stored/installed Why is the project necessary How will the project be implemented and sustained

15 State Strategies/Funding Preferences Texas Homeland Security Strategic Plan (2015- 2020) – Prevent terrorist attacks and organized criminal activity in Texas – Reduce vulnerability to threats and hazards – Minimize the impact of threats and hazards through proactive mitigation planning and programs – Increase capabilities for response to threats and hazards – Ensure comprehensive community recovery from threat and hazard impacts

16 State/Federal Focal Points Federal Focal Points (from FY2015) – Cybersecurity – Infrastructure Systems – Health & Social Services – Housing – Long-Term Vulnerability Reduction State Focal Points – Intelligence & Information Sharing – Communications – Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention and Protection

17 Regional Priorities Planning Community Resiliency (including Citizen Corps) Interoperable Communications Critical Infrastructure Systems (including surveillance and emergency generators) Operational Coordination & Information Sharing Special Response Teams (including CBRNE/hazmat, swiftwater/technical rescue, and IED)

18 Regional Priorities (continued) Public Warning and Emergency Notification Systems Training & Exercises Law Enforcement Operational Equipment Operational Security and Safety (including portable lighting and generators) Other areas addressed in the regional THIRA, State Preparedness Report, and Implementation Plan


20 Key Topics Application Worksheet - Texas eGrants - 99 99

21 Application Worksheet All applications MUST be submitted on the FY2016 HOTCOG Application Worksheet (MS Excel file) All appropriate personnel must have a valid Texas OOG eGrants account at the time of submission – Applicants will NOT enter projects directly into eGrants – HOTCOG will be the “Grant Writer” in eGrants in order to ensure that issues that arise between the OOG and the Applicant are addressed in a timely manner. Incomplete applications and applications not submitted by the deadline will NOT be considered for funding All SHSP-funded projects can have up to a two-year performance period

22 Who Needs an eGrants Account?

23 Using the Application Worksheet Data connections MUST be enabled for the spreadsheet to work correctly! 1 2 3

24 Navigating the Worksheet

25 Navigating the Worksheet (continued)

26 Data Driven Approach The application worksheet uses a data driven approach to document the need for projects Applicants should ensure that all questions receive adequate answers in order to expedite project approval from the OOG When in doubt, rely on research related to the projected outcome of the project and seek assistance from HOTCOG staff

27 Answering the “Hard” Questions

28 Narrative Section Describe the threats and hazards… – What risk exists that necessitates the project? – Reference the THIRA if applicable Describe the capability gap(s)… – What capabilities, personnel, plans, or equipment is missing that prevents you from addressing the threats/hazards faced? – Reference the SPR if applicable

29 Narrative Section (continued) Explain how the project will reduce the capability gap(s)… – What outcomes will the project bring? – What will be achieved? Describe existing capability levels… – What are you already doing to address your risks? Explain the long-term approach to sustaining the capabilities… – How will you maintain equipment, training, and the general capability beyond this grant?

30 Narrative Section (continued) Provide an explanation of the regional….impact of this project – How will other cities & counties benefit from the project? Problem Statement – What specific issues will the project target? Leverage your threats and risks and be SPECIFIC! Goal Statement – What are the specific goals and objectives for the project Project Summary – Summarize your narrative to provide an easier-to- understand summary of the “Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How” of your project

31 Performance Measures Section Each project must have a minimum of three output measures Current Data and Target Level may be left blank Measures should address specifically what is to be accomplished by the project – Example: Communication “dead spots” within Freestone County will be decreased by 30%

32 Defining Budget Detail Follow local procurement policy and adhere to standards that require quotes or bids

33 Defining Budget POETE/Discipline


35 Making it Match Budget Detail Total = Budget POETE Total Budget POETE Total = Budget Discipline Total Budget Discipline Total = Budget Detail Total

36 Finishing Up Save early, save often! Ensure that all orange blanks have been filled out (except for Current Data and Target Level in the Measures section) Ensure that all appropriate persons have an active eGrants account If City Council or Commissioner’s Court approval is required to submit a grant application, approval should be receive PRIOR TO submitting the application worksheet to HOTCOG Ensure the correct email addresses have been listed in the application Email completed worksheet to


38 Key Topics Prioritization/Scoring process Project period, timelines and deadlines

39 Notification to potential applicants Application Workshop Completion of grant application worksheet Regional Grant Prioritization Process Agencies present applications to EPAC; EPAC reviews and scores applications HOTCOG Executive Committee approves, disproves, or modifies EPAC recommendation COG enters approved applications into eGrants; AO submits application COG notifies applicants of regional funding decisions OOG reviews applications; batches applications to HOTCOG OOG funds, partially funds, or denies funding for applications Post-Award Grant Management Workshop Authorized official accepts grant award(s)

40 Prioritization & Scoring Projects will be prioritized by the regional Emergency Preparedness Advisory Committee (EPAC) – Priorities are based on regional impact, sustainment/enhancement of existing capabilities, and committee scoring All projects will be scored by members of the committee using a regionally-standardized scoring sheet

41 Scoring Meeting All applicants are required to attend the regional scoring meeting – Applicants will be allowed up to 5 minutes to present their project to EPAC – Following each presentation, EPAC may ask questions of each applicant for up to 5 minutes – After asking questions for the allotted time, EPAC members will score the application – Scoring results will be made available once all applications have been scored

42 FY16 Timeline December 8, 2015 – Mandatory Application Workshop, 1 st offering (9:00 AM @ HOTCOG) December 15, 2015 – Mandatory Application Workshop, 2 nd offering (1:30 PM @ HOTCOG) December 15, 2015 – FY2016 SHSP Application Period Opens February 1, 2016 – HOTCOG’s FY2016 SHSP Application Period Closes @ 5:00 PM February 10, 2016 – EPAC Scoring and Prioritization Meeting (9:00 AM @ HOTCOG) February 11, 2016 – HOTCOG begins entering projects into eGrants February 25, 2016 – Executive Committee approves/disproves/modifies EPAC’s project prioritization February 29, 2016 – Deadline for AO to submit application in eGrants

43 Tentative Timeline Dates August 1, 2016 – CCH Compliance Confirmed August 31, 2016 – Award Notices Released ***ALL DATES ON THIS SLIDE ARE TENTATIVE***

44 Additional Resources eGrants website: SHSP Toolkit on HOTCOG Staff Harold Ferguson Homeland Security Manager (254) 292-1893 Boyce Wilson Emergency Preparedness Planner (254) 292-1892

45 Questions

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