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1 Sudeep Chatterji University of Bonn, Germany 2008 IEEE NSS/MIC/RSTD SPN Meeting Krakow, Poland, 30th June, 2008 Indian Participation in LHC (and IEEE.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Sudeep Chatterji University of Bonn, Germany 2008 IEEE NSS/MIC/RSTD SPN Meeting Krakow, Poland, 30th June, 2008 Indian Participation in LHC (and IEEE."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Sudeep Chatterji University of Bonn, Germany 2008 IEEE NSS/MIC/RSTD SPN Meeting Krakow, Poland, 30th June, 2008 Indian Participation in LHC (and IEEE NSS/MIC/RSTD) Present and Future

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9 9 Talks presented in the 2003/2004 IEEE NSS

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12 12 Feedback/Suggestions  Interest to enhance IEEE participation from India (especially students)  Main problem :: Funding  Could reach an agreement with three main funding agencies:  Council for Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR)  Department of Science & Technology (DST)  Indian National Science Academy (INSA)  Need to get in touch with Chairman/PI´s of big collaborations like:  India-CMS Collaboration  India-ALICE Collaboration  India-D0 Collaboration  Promote enhanced participation of Indian Universities  Get in touch with University Grants Commission  India has lot of manpower, participation in all major HEP experiments  Wish by India to host future IEEE NSS/MIC/RSTD  Future looks bright!

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