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First Grade Newsletter November 2nd -7th 2015 Mrs. McCarthy and Mrs

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Presentation on theme: "First Grade Newsletter November 2nd -7th 2015 Mrs. McCarthy and Mrs"— Presentation transcript:

1 First Grade Newsletter November 2nd -7th 2015 Mrs. McCarthy and Mrs
First Grade Newsletter November 2nd -7th 2015 Mrs. McCarthy and Mrs. Frost We hope that everyone had a safe and spooky Halloween. The parade and classroom parties were a lot of fun. A special thank you to everyone who helped to make it such a wonderful afternoon. We truly appreciate your time and support. MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Nov. 2nd Book It reading logs are due Nov. 2nd Winter Uniforms Nov. 4th H&S Meeting, 7pm Nov Book Fair Nov. 11th – Veterans Day Please say a special prayer for all who have served and are currently serving our country. Nov. 20th Picture Day  School uniform must be worn. Please check our school website for additional news and events. I can’t believe it’s already November! During this month, let’s give thanks to our Veterans and our many Blessings. HELP OUR SCHOOL Don’t forget to save your Boxtops for education. into a good book! Daily Fluency Practice Rereading poems and short stories helps to build fluency, expression, and confidence. Please continue to practice the poems that were sent home last week. Happy Fall! Happy Reading! November Birthdays Happy Birthday to: Maggie McCoy 11/5 Grace Hillegass 11/15 Leaf Collection Projects Way to go! You did a remarkable job on this project! Your covers and poems were creative and colorful and the leaves you collected really capture the beauty of the fall season. We look forward to sharing these during our science block this week. Keep up the great work!  We hope you have a great day! Falling For Addition Please continue to practice the math flash cards that your child made in class last week. Thank you! We are diving into subtraction this week! Continue to practice counting backward from 20.

2 Curriculum Notes Math: This week, we will begin subtraction! Students will explore the concept of subtraction as an action of separation from groups. We will also review odd and even numbers. Subtraction Strategies: Remember…don’t drop your pencil! Continue to reinforce the dot math strategy with your child. 2. Please review counting backwards. Have your child name the numbers from 20 in descending order. Ask your child, What is one less? Or, What is one fewer? Words to know: minus – the word/symbol that means to subtract difference – the number that remains after a quantity has been subtracted; the outcome of a subtraction sentence. Reading & Spelling: Focus: Short u We will focus on short u this week. Our whole group story this week is, Animal Park. This week’s spelling and sight words were sent home last Thursday. Continue to practice your Dolch sight word booklets. Grammar and Writing: We will continue to focus on sentences. We will discuss types of sentences, the parts of a sentence, word order, and correct punctuation. Students will have an informal assessment on these skills shortly. Our handwriting books have arrived! We will begin to review the correct formation of each letter of the alphabet. Continue to reinforce correct letter formation at home. Religion: We will begin Chapter Four, Jesus Works Among the People. We will discuss the following: How John the Baptist helped people get ready for Jesus How Jesus shared God’s love with everyone How Jesus teaches that God watches over us and cares for us How Jesus helped all those in need This chapter is a great time to discuss, as a family, how you can help others and give thanks for your many blessings. Social Studies: We will learn more about and discuss the importance of Veterans Day. We will complete a variety of crafts and activities to celebrate our Veterans. Science: Students will share their leaf collection projects Each Friday afternoon, our Star Student will share an exciting science experiment with us.

3 High-Frequency Words:
Spelling Words Short u run bump cut jump must bus sun nut up rug High-Frequency Words: many into *Challenge Words: Words that end with a double consonant smell stuff buzz glass The words below are the tested sight words on this week’s reading test. Words to Read home many them into Please practice the sight words on the reverse side. Thank you. 

4 -ug hug bug rug tug plug shrugslug -um gum sum hum drum plum strum -ump bump hump jump lump grump thump -ud bud mud spud stud thud -uff cuff huff puff ruff bluff fluff gruff scuff stuff -ush bust dust gust just must rust crust trust -ub cub hub rub sub tub club shrub stub -ub vs. -ube Magic e cub cube tub tube -ut vs. -ute Magic e cut cute

5 By: ________________________ On my plate I have:
My Thanksgiving Plate What are your favorite foods to eat on Thanksgiving? Why? Directions: On your plate, show at least three of your favorite Thanksgiving foods. Be creative and have fun! Complete the below writing piece and return it to school with your plate. Ask an adult to help you with your spelling. You may: Draw your favorite foods Cut out pictures from magazines Use construction paper to cut out the shapes of your foods You may add dimension by attaching items such as yarn, cotton balls, etc. The sky's the limit! We will be displaying our Thanksgiving plates in the hallway. I hope you have a great time creating your plate. Due on or before: Monday, November 16th My Thanksgiving Plate By: ________________________ On my plate I have: Thanksgiving is a wonderful time of year to count your blessings and give thanks for the delicious foods we eat.

6 Reading Fluency Practice
November Reading Log Please indicate on the attached calendar the time your child spends reading aloud to you each evening. Reading Goal: Our goal this month is 175 minutes! That’s about 6 minutes of reading each day. Keep this reading log in a safe place. Please return this on Tuesday, December 1st. Thank you for your time and support. Reading Fluency Practice Please note: The time your child spends practicing their poems may be counted.  Name: ______________________ Parent Signature: ________________________ "The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go." "You're off to Great Places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, So... get on your way!"

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