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Perfect competition: occurs when none of the individual market participants (ie buyers or sellers) can influence the price of the product. Price determined.

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Presentation on theme: "Perfect competition: occurs when none of the individual market participants (ie buyers or sellers) can influence the price of the product. Price determined."— Presentation transcript:


2 Perfect competition: occurs when none of the individual market participants (ie buyers or sellers) can influence the price of the product. Price determined by market S & D Price taker Won’t charge higher or lower than market price Horizontal (perfectly elastic) at market price.

3 Market demand Individual firm

4 Large number of buyers and sellers No collusion between sellers Identical/homogenous goods Completely free entry into and exit from the market Buyers and sellers have perfect knowledge of market conditions. No government intervention FOP perfectly mobile


6 Price taker - no control over the market price. Only choose output (quantity) at which profits maximised (or losses minimised). Profits maximised where MR = MC – As long as AR (=P) ≥ AVC (shut-down rule). Since MR =P; profit maximized where P=MC

7 Losses maximised Profits maximised

8 Profit maximised where MR = MC = P 2 This occurs at Q 2 At Q 2, AR = P 2 = AC (C 2 ) AR = AC, no economic profit earned. Normal profit earned, since all its costs, including self-employed resources, are fully covered. E 2 aka break even point

9 Can also be found by TR - TC TR = P 2 X Q 2 = 0P 2 E 2 Q 2 TC = C 2 X Q 2 = 0C 2 E 2 Q 2 0C 2 E 2 Q 2 (TC) = 0P 2 E 2 Q 2 (TR)

10 Economic profits: profit that a business makes that is more than the normal profit. total revenue total costs (or AR > AC). Economic profit occurs when total revenue > total costs (or AR > AC). AKA excess profit, abnormal profit, supernormal profit or pure profit.

11 Profit is maximised where MR = MC = P 1 This occurs at Q 1 At Q 1, AR = P 1 and AC = C 1 At Q 1, AR (P 1 ) > AC (C 1 ) Economic profit earned – above breakeven point.

12 Can also be found by TR - TC TR = P 1 X Q 1 = 0P 1 E 1 Q 1 TC = C 1 X Q 1 = 0C 1 MQ 1 0P 1 E 1 Q 1 (TR) > 0C 1 MQ 1 (TC) Difference = Economic Profit = C 1 P 1 E 1 M

13 Economic loss: occurs when a firm makes less than normal profit. I.e. price (AR) < AC

14 Profit is maximised where MR = MC = P 3 This occurs at Q 3 At Q 3, AR = P 3 and AC = C 3 At Q 3, AR (P 3 ) < AC (C 3 ) Economic loss = C 3 – P 3

15 Can also be found by TR - TC TR = P 3 X Q 3 = 0P 3 E 3 Q 3 TC = C 3 X Q 3 = 0C 3 MQ 3 0P 3 E 3 Q 3 (TR) < 0C 1 MQ 3 (TC) Difference = Economic Loss = P 3 C 3 ME 3

16 If a firm is making an economic loss, should they leave the market? VARIABLE Depends on average revenue (P) relative to average VARIABLE costs (shut down rule!). P < AVC If P < AVC, best to leave the industry.

17 To summarise… Is a firm making an economic profit, normal profit or economic loss??? STEP 1: (MR = MC) STEP 1: Find the point at which profit is maximized (MR = MC) as this is where all firms will produce. STEP 2: AR & AC STEP 2: At the point where MR=MC, what is the difference between AR & AC? AR>AC = economic profit AR>AC = economic profit AR=AC = normal profit AR=AC = normal profit AR<AC = economic loss AR<AC = economic loss

18 The rising part of the firm’s MC curve above minimum of AVC = firm’s supply curve.


20 Industry in equilibrium in the long run only if all firms make normal profits only.


22 Market forces dictate Private firms & gov. have no power Market mechanism, (think Adam Smith’s invisible hand), determines WHAT, HOW and FOR WHOM… Are perfectly competitive markets fair? Must have purchasing power to participate – only money votes count Leads to very uneven distribution of income and wealth Only goods that people ‘vote’ for are produced.

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