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Bell Ringer: Please watch the video clip and answer the following question How does FDR respond to the accusation that he feasts on a breakfast of grilled.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer: Please watch the video clip and answer the following question How does FDR respond to the accusation that he feasts on a breakfast of grilled."— Presentation transcript:


2 Bell Ringer: Please watch the video clip and answer the following question How does FDR respond to the accusation that he feasts on a breakfast of grilled millionaires?


4 New Deal Part 2

5 FDR In speeches FDR stated that the complexities of the modern world meant the fed gov had to promote the welfare and rights of the people Meant Second New Deal had to address problems of the elderly, poor, the unemployed; create new public works projects; help farmers; and enact measures to protect workers rights

6 It’s Hammer Time What this is, is a semi- annual break from the lesson. You have the length of the song to talk with your neighbor. You Can not get out of your seat except to stand next to it and stretch. If you abuse Hammer Time, You lose Hammer Time! Once it’s over you should be quiet and ready to learn!

7 Hollywood’s Take

8 Programs Work Progress Administration- put people back to work through civil projects and doing things like sponsoring artist Social Security Act- provided pension for the elderly, established unemployment insurance, established insurance for work related accidents, and provided aid for poverty stricken mothers, children, the blind, and the disabled

9 Real Time Video

10 Helping Farmers and West 2nd New Deal included further help for farmers including money to extend utilities to them and a gov commitment to providing subsidies for American Ag Water projects in West allowed for establishment of irrigation system in west and harnessed the Columbia River for electricity

11 Labor Unions GD saw up swing in union activity with millions of mining and auto workers joining unions FDR believed that to get out of the GD had to raise the standard of living for industrial workers so gets Wagner Act passed which recognizes employees rights to join labor unions and collective bargain Also gets Fair Labor Standards Act passed which establishes minimum wage, limits workweeks, and outlaws child labor

12 Random Video of the Day

13 The SC FDR won reelection easily, so when reelected decided to challenge main opponent of new deal programs the SC who had struck down many of his programs ruling the president did not have the ability to regulate interstate commerce In response FDR came up with a plan to add up to six new judges who realistically would be New Deal supporters Given FDR’s popularity probably could have been a successful plan, because the court started to agree with New Deal programs and one of his biggest opponents resigned allowing him to appoint someone favoring the New Deal

14 Random Picture of the Day

15 New Deal Effects Changed US gov from laissez faire approach to accepting responsibility to prime the pump of the economy Turned US into welfare state with US gov accepting responsibility to help the poor With conservation programs, US gov took new active approach to the environment Increased the power of the President because of creation of new agencies exec branch had more power through running them

16 Class Work Thinking Critically pg 743 Analyzing Political Cartoon pg 746

17 Exit Ticket

18 Describe three things you learned from today’s lesson

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