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SEROTYPE DISTRIBUTION OF STREPTOCOCCUS MUTANS IN 3 – 5 YEARS OLD CHILDREN M. Fahlevi Rizal*, B.M. Bachtiar** *Department of Pediatric Dentistry Faculty.

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Presentation on theme: "SEROTYPE DISTRIBUTION OF STREPTOCOCCUS MUTANS IN 3 – 5 YEARS OLD CHILDREN M. Fahlevi Rizal*, B.M. Bachtiar** *Department of Pediatric Dentistry Faculty."— Presentation transcript:

1 SEROTYPE DISTRIBUTION OF STREPTOCOCCUS MUTANS IN 3 – 5 YEARS OLD CHILDREN M. Fahlevi Rizal*, B.M. Bachtiar** *Department of Pediatric Dentistry Faculty of Dentistry University of Indonesia **Department of Oral Biology Faculty of Dentistry University of Indonesia

2 Introduction The involvement of Streptococcus mutans in dental caries phatogenesis has been known Little information with regards to the serotype distribution Caries prevalence in Indonesia 63% (SKRT Indonesia Health Dept. 1995) Caries in 3 -5 years old still main problem in Indonesia Covering dental health services in Indonesia : 55%

3 Objective In this study to determine the serotype distribution of S. mutans in children(3-5 years old) using bottle milk in Jakarta.

4 Methods Sample were 34 children between 3- 5 years old who used bottle milk everyday Dental plaque and saliva samples were collected from all subjects Methods

5 Streptococcus mutans was grown on TYS20B Protocol Standard of DNA extraction was done to Streptococcus mutans colony PCR-based serotyping for c, e and f serotype was done following Shibata et al (2003) methods

6 PCR Target of f, e and c serotype Streptococcus mutans f serotype 316 bp e serotype 517 bp c serotype 727 bp M 500 bp 1000 bp 200 bp 300 bp Result and Discussion

7 f serotypec serotypee serotype PCR Documentation of f, c and e serotype Streptococcus mutans in preschool children

8 f serotype 91% (31/34) c serotype 79% (27/34) e serotype 29% (10/34) Serotype Distribution

9 Shibata (2003) in Japanese preschool children Serotype c 84.8% Serotype e 13.3% Serotype f 1.9% Nakano (2007) Non-c serotypes was higher in cardiovascular subjects while serotype c was dominant in healthy subjects

10 Norio Masuda (1979) c serotype was dominant for children between 5 to 13 months Hölttä (1994) The distribution of mutans streptococci serotypes in Finnish and Vietnamese children was: c serotype 100% (Finnish); 50% (Vietnamese) e serotype10% (Finnish); 31% (Vietnamese) d serotype 0% (Finnish); 56% (Vietnamese) g serotype20% (Finnish); 38% (Vietnamese)

11 L. Grönroos (1998) 29 subjects serotype c isolates, 7 subject serotype e isolates, 8 subject serotype g isolates 1 subject serotype f isolates.

12 60% f and c combination 4.3% f and e combination 23% f, c, and e combination 34.8% single serotype Serotype Combination

13 L. Grönroos (1998) 67% one serotype only 30% two serotypes 3% three serotypes Hölttä (1994) The frequency of plural serotypes between Finnish/Vietnamese children was 30%/75%

14 The difference results could be: method for serotyping Geographical differences Age of subjects Diet consumption

15 Conclusion f serotype was a dominant serotype founded in children observed even thought some of them have serotype combination with c and e.

16 Future Works Saliva protein will be studied in baby bottle caries

17 Acknowledgement This study was supported by RUUI research grant programme 2006


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