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This was first discovered by Amedeo Avogadro (1776- 1858) and he received credit for this after his death.

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3 This was first discovered by Amedeo Avogadro (1776- 1858) and he received credit for this after his death.

4 Professor Mole's Favorites  Chip Dip: Guacamolee (Especially since it's made from Avogadros)  Fave Song: Ride, Ride, Ride That Molercoaster  Toy: Tickle Me Elmole  Fungus: Anything Moledy  Sport: Moler Hockey  Basketball Player: Karl Molelone  Boy Wonder Quote: "Holy Moley Batman"  Cookies: Moleasses  Guitarist: Eddie Van Molen  Summer Pastime: spitting watermoleon seeds  Snack: Marshmolelow Treats  Breakfast Meal: Omolettes  Kevin Costner Movie: Dances with Moles  Singer/Poet: Jim Molerison from The Doors  Book: Moleby Dick  Slapstick Comedian: Larry, Curly & Mole

5 Professor Mole's Mole Facts 6.02 X 10 23 of the following items: Watermelon Seeds - would be found inside a melon slightly larger than the moon Donut Holes- would cover the earth and be 5 miles deep Grains of Sand- would be more than all the sand on Miami Beach Blood Cells- would be more than the total number of blood cells found in every human on earth 1 Liter bottle of Water contains 55.5 moles H 2 0 5 Pound Bag of Sugar contains 6.6 moles Of C 12 H 22 O 11 There are 3 types of moles that live underground in North America: Eastern Mole, Hairy-Tailed Mole and Star-Nosed Mole


7 13 27 20 40

8 1 MOLE 22.4 liters 6.02 x 10 23 Individual atoms Atomic mass (grams) equal to 

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