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1900-1912.  Negative Liberty  Gov’t exists to stop people from taking your rights  Positive Liberty  Gov’t exists to improve your condition.

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Presentation on theme: "1900-1912.  Negative Liberty  Gov’t exists to stop people from taking your rights  Positive Liberty  Gov’t exists to improve your condition."— Presentation transcript:

1 1900-1912

2  Negative Liberty  Gov’t exists to stop people from taking your rights  Positive Liberty  Gov’t exists to improve your condition


4  Individual  State  Federal

5  Social Issues  Temperance Movement  Abolitionism  Prison/ Asylum/ School Reform

6  Farmer/Worker Issues  Greenback Labor Party ▪ Gov’t should use paper money/ Inflate currency  Populist Party ▪ Bimetalism ▪ Graduated Income Tax ▪ Direct Election of Senators ▪ 8 Hour Day ▪ Gov’t control of Railroads/Telephone Lines


8  Progressivism=Domestic White Man’s Burden


10  Henry Demarest Lloyd  “Wealth Against Commonwealth” (Standard Oil)  Jacob Riis  “How The Other Half Lives” (Slums)  Lincoln Steffens: “The Shame of the Cities”  Ida Tarbell: Standard Oil  Upton Sinclair: “The Jungle”





15  “Jungle”

16  Middle Class  Small businessmen  Squeezed out by the trusts above  Threatened by the poor below  Upper Class  Idealists  Help the Poor  Rep./Dem.

17  Initiative  Recall  Referendum  Secret Ballots

18  City  Truancy Laws  Clean Slums  Juvenile Delinquents  Prostitution  Work Conditions  Clean Water

19  States  Gov. Robert “Fighting Bob” La Follette (Wi) ▪ Broke up trusts/ Regulated Railroads/ Direct Election of Senator/ Women’s Suffrage/ State Income Tax ▪ 1906 Names self Senator  Gov. Hiram Johnson (Ca) ▪ Regulated Railroads

20  1911  146 women killed

21  Lochner v NY (1905)- Con  Right to Contract  Muller v Oregon (1908)- Pro  States can restrict women’s work hours

22  Women’s Christian Temperance Union  Anti-Saloon League

23  Three C’s  Control of Corporations  Consumer Protection  Conservation

24  Anthracite Strike (1902)  TR threatens to seize mines

25  Department of Commerce (1903)  Elkins Act (1903)  Railroads cannot offer rebates  Hepburn Act  Gov’t can set maximum rate for RR’s

26  “Trust Buster”  Northern Securities Company: J P Morgan  40 Trusts Busted  Only the “Bad” Trusts

27  Meat Inspection Act (1906)  Pure Food and Drug Act  US v. Coca Cola

28  Newlands Act (1902)  Irrigation and sale of land  25% of Nations forests set aside  18 National Monuments


30  1906  City Destroyed  3000+ killed


32  Oklahoma Territory and Indian Territory combined into Oklahoma (1907)

33  Causes  Hepburn Act crushes RR stocks  Standard Oil fined for trust violations  Copper Corner Fails  Knickerbocker Trust Collapses  Unemployment from 3-8%


35  Solution  J.P. Morgan floats the economy  Gains Steel Trust

36  Aldrich Vreeland Act (1908)  Banks could issue emergency currency  Proposed a Federal Reserve

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