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Wanjogu R.K., Owilla B. P. O., Machungo, C. National Irrigation Board Wanjogu R.K., Owilla B. P. O., Machungo, C. National Irrigation Board.

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Presentation on theme: "Wanjogu R.K., Owilla B. P. O., Machungo, C. National Irrigation Board Wanjogu R.K., Owilla B. P. O., Machungo, C. National Irrigation Board."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wanjogu R.K., Owilla B. P. O., Machungo, C. National Irrigation Board Wanjogu R.K., Owilla B. P. O., Machungo, C. National Irrigation Board

2 BACKGROUND Maize is the leading staple cereal crop in Kenya and an important crop in Perkerra for food and income In Perkerra, yields have declined by 27% from to 30bgs/ac (6.75t/Ha) to 22bgs/ac (4.95t/Ha); annual loss of Kshs 108M Low farm incomes has set off a chain reaction of socioeconomic problems-food insecurity, unemployment, etc Low yields further lead to low irrigation water productivity, reduced irrigation cost recovery, and thus threaten Scheme sustainability Low yields associated with poor crop nutrition Need for routine monitoring of soil nutrient availability

3 OBJECTIVES Main objective o To determine the effect of NPK fertilizer on irrigated Maize crop performance in Perkerra irrigation Scheme Specific objectives 1)To determine the effects of NPK fertilizers on maize yields in PIS 2)To establish the levels of N, P, and K fertilizers for optimal maize crop yield in PIS

4 METHODS Design: RCBD with 3 replications Each nutrient was tested at 3 levels: o N0,N1, N20kgN/ha, 120kgN/ha/, 180kgN/ha o K0,K1,K20kgK20/ha, 30kgK20/ha, 60KgK20/ha o P0,P1,P20kgP205kg/ha, 60kgP205/ha, 90kgP205/ha

5 TREATMENTS Fertilizer combinations Equivalent fertilizer rates o N1 = 522g Urea; P1= 600g SSP; K1= 100g MOP ; N2 =783g o Urea; P2 = 900g SSP and K2= 200g MOP P & K basal; N in 2 splits, 30% at planting and 70% top-dressed at knee-high stage of plant growth Spacing 75cm x 25cm. Crop: Maize (DH04)

6 DATA COLLECTION i.Soil physical and chemical analysis before and after trial ii.% Germination at 14 DAS iii.Crop vigour iv.Plant count at 14 DAS, 28 DAS & 56 DAS v.Plant height vi.50% flowering dates (silking and tasselling) vii.Pest and disease incidences viii.Maturity dates ix.Grain yields at 12.5% MC

7 RESULTS Mean Stand counts for the different treatments was 37.0741±0.65162 LSD=1.33942, Maximum SAT was attained in N1P1K0 though not significantly different (p=0.43046) The least SAT was noted at N2P2K2 treatments combination

8 RESULTS contd…

9 Mean days to 50% silking was achieved at 64 th day (LSD=0.91381) for all the treatments There was no significant difference (p=0.430458) in number of days to 50% silking. Mean tassling at 50% was attained at 62 day (LSD=0.39895). There was no significant differences (p=2.2) days to achieving 50% tussling

10 RESULTS contd…

11 Effect of NPK on Maize yield in PIS Mean yield for treatments was 4966.5 (LSD=274.653) No significant yield differences (p=0.43) were noted in the yields. Maximum yield was attained on N2P1K1 while the least was noted on N2P1K2

12 RESULTS contd…

13 The study indicated no response to NPK It was a first time trial A repeat is recommended CONCLUSION AND RECOMMEMDATIONS

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