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A LL D AY K INDERGARTEN O RIENTATION Plett’s Puffins Cindy Plett-Teacher 2015-2016
C OMMUNICATION WITH H OME The Messenger: Every day, your child will bring home a two-pocket portfolio. Please go through The Messenger every day with your child. Take out any papers your child brings home-DAILY!!!!
C OMMUNICATION WITH H OME Plett’s Gazette: At least every-other weekend, I will email a class newsletter. I will tell you about what we did in class that week, upcoming events, and any materials or volunteers we might need. PLEASE READ IT!!! In between those times, I will email quick reminders and notes that you need to know about.
C OMMUNICATION WITH H OME I Can Read Binder: Every Friday your child will bring home a three-ring binder labeled: I Can Read Book. In it you will find poems and songs that we have worked on in class. Please read this binder to and with your child throughout the weekend and then return it to school on Monday.
C OMMUNICATION WITH H OME Homework : Each Friday your child will receive homework activities focused on literacy and math skills. These activities are to reinforce learning taking place in the classroom and to help your child develop good study habits. Please help your child complete these activities and return them to school by the following Friday. If you believe your child needs more stimulation than what is provided by me, I encourage you to get your child involved in a sports or music lessons.
C OMMUNICATION WITH H OME Read-At-Home Books: This program provides an opportunity for your child to bring home a book to read that is at your child’s reading level. This program begins in December.
L UNCH I stay with students until they are all seated and through the lunch line. Then a teacher assistant says with them throughout their lunchtime and helps them open their food containers and keeps them eating. 20 minutes in lunchroom Extra time, if needed Email if you have lunch concerns. Lunch Cost: $2.75/student- includes milk Adult Lunch Cost: $4.50
L UNCH Hot Lunch: I recommend that you download a monthly lunch calendar from the website, decide which days your child will buy hot lunch and pay for those lunches once a month through E-Funds or send a check to school in a labeled envelope. If your child does not bring a lunch, the lunchroom will provide your child with one and you will be charged. Only one lunch may be charged before they are given a cheese sandwich only for lunch. Please pay attention to your child’s lunch account.
C OLD L UNCH If your child brings a lunch, please put it into a lunch box and not a bag. Sometimes bags break and the birds sometimes get into the bags at lunch recess. Milk Money:.60 Chocolate and White Please send milk money in a Ziplock bag or container in your child’s lunch box. Your child will pay for their milk in the lunchroom.
S NACKS We have a morning and afternoon snack daily. AM SNACK: Please send in a store-bought healthy snack on your assigned day (see ideas on snack schedule) PM SNACK: Send in one boxed snack that does not require refrigeration NO PEANUT SNACKS PLEASE!!!! We have nut allergies in our classroom. I cannot serve treats as a snack. If you send in cookies, rice crispy treats, etc… I will not be able to pass them out.
C LASSROOM S CHEDULE M ON -T HUR 8:55 Earliest you may drop off your child at school 9:00 Students allowed in classroom ****PARENTS NOT ALLOWED INTO CLASSROOM! 9:10 School begins (If you are later than 9:10, you must park and check your child in at the office) 10:15 Morning Recess 11:30 Lunch 11:50 Lunch Recess 1:00 Specialist –PE (Mon/Wed) and Music (Tues/Thurs) 2:40 PM Recess 3:35 Kindergarten Dismissed
L EAVING E ARLY /P ICKING UP FROM S CHOOL Parents are not allowed to come into the classroom without a visitor pass from the office. Please know this is for every child’s safety. If you need to pick your child up early from school, please go to Office A and sign your child out. They will contact me and I will send your child to the office. If you do not follow these rules, I will remind you once and then the principal will speak to you about this issue.
1 ST D AY O F S CHOOL E XCEPTIONS We encourage you to allow your child to follow their normal routine on the 1 st day of school. Then, if you want to follow the bus to LWES on Friday, please park in the front parking lot or across the street at the church and meet your child on the kindergarten playground. Then take a picture, give them one last hug, tell them you will see them at the end of the day, and send them into the classroom on their own.
C HANGING YOUR C HILD ’ S R OUTE H OME Please make sure your backpack nametag is correct and attached to your child’s backpack on the 1 st day of school. I CANNOT CHANGE YOUR CHILD’S REGULAR TRANSPORTATION WITHOUT PERMISSION FROM YOU. Any time your child’s normal route changes, you must send a note telling where the child is going, who is picking up and what time. Use pick-up passes and bus passes provided in your packet which will be sent home on the first Friday.
P ICKING Y OUR C HILD U P AT 3:35 PM Please wait at the benches outside Office A and Mrs. Renner, our kindergarten aide, will bring your child out to you. You may need to provide identification to her or another para- educator helping with parent pick-up. Please do not get upset when they ask for identification. This is for your child’s safety. If you pick up on a regular basis, please fill out a permanent pick-up pass application at the end of this presentation.
A BSENCES FROM S CHOOL Please call 425-413-3500, press or say 2, then press or say 1. That will automatically put you into the safe arrival voice mail. At that point, please leave the name of the student(s), the teacher(s) name and the reason for the absence. Contact the office each day that your child is absent. If you are going on vacation, please get a prearranged absence form online at the LW website. I provide a vacation journal for your child to complete while on vacation, in lieu of keeping up with schoolwork.
B IRTHDAYS If you would like to celebrate your child’s birthday at school, we will. You may bring in a non-food item for your child to share with the class. (one sticker, one pencil, one eraser, etc…) Please DO NOT send in food treats for the class. They will not be passed out to the students, which is very disappointing to your child. This is a Tahoma School District policy. If your child has a summer birthday, we will celebrate their ½ birthday sometime during the school year. This information will be placed on the monthly snack schedule.
T-S HIRTS We wear these shirts on Puffin Pride Fridays, field trips, assemblies and other important days throughout the year. If you have not filled out the order form and turned in a check for $9.25, please do so today.
P ARENT V OLUNTEERS Kindergarten loves to have parent volunteers. In-class volunteers will begin at the beginning of October. Volunteer Spot Email to come. No siblings are allowed in the classroom when you are volunteering. Please sign up for one class party. You do not have to attend to be helpful. Volunteer paperwork must be turned in and you must be approved by the state prior to volunteering in the classroom or attending a field trip. Please fill this paperwork out today as it takes about two weeks to be approved.
S ENDING M ONEY T O S CHOOL Any time you send money for lunch, field trips, or for any other reason, please put money in a sealed envelope or ziplock bag and mark it with your child’s name and what the money is to be used for.
C ONTACTING M RS. P LETT The best way to contact me is via email at I usually check my email in the evening. You may also call 425-413-3500 and leave a message for me. These messages now go to my email as well. Lastly, you may send a note to school with your child. I train students to empty their Messengers every morning, but if they forget, there is always a chance I will not receive the note in a timely manner. Call the office if I HAVE to know the info before school ends.
OTHER IMPORTANT DETAILS Join PTSA!!!!! You get email updates of things going on. Helping out is optional, but being aware of things going on at school is great. Buy Wildcat Cash through PTSA. Classroom Donations Picture Day: Either October 6 or 7
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