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The Great Wall The Pyramids in Egypt Stonehenge in England.

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2 The Great Wall

3 The Pyramids in Egypt

4 Stonehenge in England

5 The Forbidden City Beijing

6 Eiffel Tower Paris

7 Some cities, like Beijing and Paris, do you think they are great cities? Yes! In your opinion, what makes a city great? A long history. The capital of the country. Some important events happened there. Some great men once lived there. Beijing Paris

8 A City of Heroes 重庆市铜梁中学 张成云

9 New Words Neva River n. 涅瓦河 Czar n. ( 俄国 ) 沙皇 fairy tale n. 神话,童话 restore vt. 修复,重建 Nazi n. 纳粹党人 statue n. 雕像 rebuild vt. 重建,复原,改造 portrait n. 肖像,人像 recreate vt. 再创造,再创作 重新创造,重新创新

10 While listening, think over the following questions. Where is the city located? Who built it at first? Who destroyed it and at last who rebuilt it?

11 St Petersburg the second largest city in Russia the largest harbor in Russia change the name for 3 times: St. Ptersburg(1703); Petrograd(1914); Leningrad(1924); St. Ptersburg(1991)

12 Peter the Great : Born:May30,1672 Moscow Died: January28,1725 St. Petersburg Crowned Czar of Russia on April 27,1682 Began to come into power in 1689 Became Emperor of Russia on October 22,1721

13 The Neva River











24 Where is the city located? Who built it at first? Who destroyed it and at last who rebuilt it? On the Neva River Peter the Great,who is the Russian Czar. The Nazis destroyed it and the people of St Petersburg rebuilt it.

25 Fast reading and find out a sentence which expresses the main idea of each paragraph. Paragraph 1: The Russian Czar Peter the Great came here and built a new capital – St Petersburg. Paragraph 2: St Petersburg has also been the centre of many important events in history. Paragraph 3: (When the Nazis had gone,) the people of St Petersburg began rebuilding the city. Paragraph 4: (Strong, proud and united,) the people of St Petersburg are the modern heroes of Russia.

26 True or False. ( )The city of St. Petersburg was rebuilt by Peter the Great. ( )The Germans attacked St Petersburg a hundred year ago. ( )A portrait of Peter the Great was destroyed by the Germans. ( )It was difficult for people to rebuild the old palaces. ( )Workers and painters used old photographs to help them rebuild the city. ( )St Petersburg will never be as beautiful as it was before. F F T T T F

27 What is the difference between “ A City of Heroes” and “Heroes of a city”? “A City of Heroes” focuses on a city, where there are many heroes; while “Heroes of a City” focuses on heroes, who live in a city. Why do people think St Petersburg is a great city?

28 What is the difference between “ A City of Heroes” and “Heroes of a city”? “A City of Heroes” focuses on a city, where there are many heroes; while “Heroes of a City” focuses on heroes, who live in a city. Why do people think St Petersburg is a great city? Built by the Russian Czar Peter the Great. A history of more than 300 years. The second largest city in Russia. The centre of many important events in history. Survived from the World War II. People made the rebuilding possible.

29 Read the 2nd & 3rd paragraphs and fill the form St. Petersburg Destroyed Rebuilt when who what In 1941 The Germans Palaces Buildings Paintings Statues Many were burned Destroyed Lay in pieces When the Nazis had gone People of the city Hidden pieces of the palace; rebuilt Rebuilt Put back; missing parts replaced Carefully recreated

30 Practice. 1.___________ is a river, there is a city.( 有河流 的地方,就有城市。 ) 有志者事竟成。 ________________________. 无风不起浪。 __________________________. 2. Perhaps this is not always true. 也许这总不是真的。 也许这不总是真的。 3. 它们看上去往往像童话里的建筑。 _____________________________________. 4. It was ____________( 被攻打之中 )for 900 days, but the people of the city never _________.( 屈 服 ) Where there Where there is a will, there is a way Where there is smoke, there is fire (x) (v) They often looked like something out of a fairy tale under attack gave in

31 5. St Petersburg was almost ________.( 成为废墟 ) 6. Paintings and statues ___________________. ( 散碎在地上 ) 7. We will do everything __________( 我们能做到 的 )to save our city. 8. They were trying to _____________________. ( 使这座城市恢复生机 ) 9. Now, after years of hard work, parts of statues _________________________.( 被放回在一起 ) 10. The mother _________(proud a.) the son. The mother __________(pride n.) the son. in ruins lay in pieces on the ground (that) we can bring the city back to life have been put back together is proud of takes pride in

32 Homework 1.Discuss after class. Talk about your favorite cities at the beginning of next period. 2.Finish Page 147-148 on your Green Passage.


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