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The Taiga (also known as the Boreal Forest) is home to many species of many creatures of many types, sizes, and colors. The Taiga is the world’s largest.

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Presentation on theme: "The Taiga (also known as the Boreal Forest) is home to many species of many creatures of many types, sizes, and colors. The Taiga is the world’s largest."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Taiga (also known as the Boreal Forest) is home to many species of many creatures of many types, sizes, and colors. The Taiga is the world’s largest biome. It can have very harsh winters, although they are much milder than that of the Tundra. During the summer is when the vegetation comes alive. This period can last anywhere from 80-150 days a year. It has relatively low precipitation compared to many other biomes. The dominant vegetation in the taiga is needle-leaf, coniferous trees.

3 The population of the wolverine in Canada 15000–19000. They are not yet endangered, although they are “vulnerable” and could become endangered due to habitat loss. This is a map of where the wolverine can survive.

4 Wolverines are very vicious, aggressive beasts, therefore there is a very high crime-rate in wolverine communities. The organism that impacts the wolverine the most is man, for several reasons. Crazy mountain folk prey upon wolverines with various traps and ancient hunting techniques in order to ceremoniously feast on them for special occasions. Also, urbanization and destruction of natural habitat can reduce the number of wolverines, which greatly impacts the wolverine, more than any other organism. Especially since the wolverine has very few predators and is an omnivore who eats carrion and a large variety of animals.

5 The wolverine can aid in decomposition of dead animals, by eating carrion, thus making him a decomposer. Although, he is primarily a consumer.

6 Some biotic factors that can limit the wolverines’ population include: - Wolf, mountain lion and bear population (because all are predators to the wolverine) - Motivation of the crazy mountain folk to utilize their ancient hunting techniques against these fine creatures, as opposed to harvesting berries and crab apples. - Population of smaller rodents can determine the amount of available food for wolverines, which could reduce the number of wolverines in a community.

7 Some abiotic factors that can limit the wolverines’ population include: -If a winter is very harsh, food will not grow and every organisms numbers will reduce, including the wolverine. Wolverines do not hibernate, which can make this an even greater factor. - Pollution in an environment can harm a wolverine and tamper with its ability to find food, shelter and a partner for reproduction.

8 Another adaptation that the wolverine has is that they have strong sharp teeth so they can bite through almost anything. They also have feet which act like snowshoes when they are walking on snow throughout the mountain area.

9 Here is some information used to classify the wolverine: Phylum: Chordata Kingdom: Animalia Family: Mustelidae Order: Carnivora Class: Mammalia Gulo Gulo is the wolverine’s scientific name. This means “glutton”.

10 ose-toes/toes-39a-Wolverine.html ne-habitat.html images/4070-1918

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