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Setting a Positive Organizational Climate and Culture

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1 Setting a Positive Organizational Climate and Culture
Army FM 6-22, CTM, LDP and You

2 Training Objective Task: Understand the importance of setting a positive organizational climate and culture Condition: Given a block of instruction taught by the AC for Leadership using FM 6-22, the CTM, and LDP, followed by objective questions Standard: Identify ways to create a positive organizational climate and culture in your organizations

3 Organizational Climate
How members feel about the organization Comes from shared perceptions and attitudes about the organization’s daily functioning Generally a short-term experience, depending on a network of personalities in an organization Changes as people come and go ADRP 6-22

4 Positive Climate at The Citadel
“Good leaders strive to leave an organization better than they found it and expect other leaders to do the same” – FM 6-22 Create a positive environment Prepare self Develop others “We have put on paper the essentials for teaching, training, leading, and inspiring others toward success” – CTM Expectations Skills Feedback Consequences Growth “The Citadel Experience is built upon The Citadel’s core values and is integrated across the four pillars of Academics, Military, Moral-Ethical, and Physical Effectiveness” -- LDP

5 Creating a Positive Climate
Fairness and inclusiveness Open and candid communication Learning environment Assessing climate Dealing with ethics and climate Building teamwork and cohesion Encouraging initiative Demonstrating care for people Linkage between this, CTM & LDP?

6 Preparing Yourself Expected and unexpected challenges
Physical fitness (Regimental PT) Intellectual capacity, critical thinking, domain knowledge (LTPs) Education—on and off duty (Grad certificate) Expanding knowledge Applying and experiencing what it means (Academies) Developing self-awareness Awareness of one’s traits, feelings, and behaviors (CTM and LDP)

7 Developing Others Assessing needs Developing on the job
Expectations and Feedback Developing on the job Skills Supporting professional and personal growth Expectations, Skills, and Growth Helping people learn Skills and Feedback Counseling, coaching, and mentoring Expectations, Skills, Feedback, Consequences, and Growth Building team skills and processes

8 LDP Learning Outcomes 1st Class Year military pillar learning outcomes associated with organizational climate and culture: “Create command climate for standards and regulations compliance” “Establish and assess a training environment that develops people” “Create and assess a state of… collective resiliency in the unit”

9 Organizational Culture
A longer lasting and more complex set of shared experiences than climate Consists of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterize the larger institution over time Deeply rooted in long-held beliefs customs, and practices Leaders use culture to let people know they are part of something bigger than just themselves ADRP 6-22

10 Culture There are three different levels of culture Artifacts
What individuals can see on the surface Shared values The significant values, morals, and beliefs claimed to be especially important by leaders in the organization Basic assumptions How situations or problems within the organization are treated after repetition “Understanding Your Organization’s Culture” by Kristina Ricketts

11 Your Battalion’s Culture
What artifacts are present in your battalion? What do those artifacts represent to an upperclass male cadet? An upperclass female cadet? A fourthclass cadet? A TAC? A parent? A non-Citadel affiliated visitor?

12 Your Battalion’s Culture
What shared values are present in your battalion? To what degree are they aligned with The Citadel’s shared values? To what degree are they consistent in each company? To what degree are they consistent among all types of cadets? Upperclass and fourthclass? Contracted and not? Cadet athlete and not? Chain of command and not?

13 Your Battalion’s Culture
What basic assumptions are present in your battalion? What words describe how formations are conducted? How are regulations violations dealt with? How is positive performance reinforced? What words describe how the fourthclass system is implemented? What words describe how guard is conducted? Remember that “basic assumptions” refers to “how situations or problems within the organization are treated after repetition.” Are recurring activities and events conducted de jure or de facto? Unit SOP

14 Leader Competencies To create a positive climate, leaders:
Establish and maintain positive expectations and attitudes to support effective work behaviors and healthy relationships Improve the organization while accomplishing the mission Leave the organization better than it was when they arrived ADRP 6-22

15 Conclusion FM 6-22 dedicates significant time to concept of creating positive climate Cadets see inverse relationship between positive climate and “leadership” Attrition is the Mission Hazing Abusive treatment of women CTM and LDP are Citadel-specific tools we have to counter this notion CTM coupled with TAC leadership can turn this tide and illustrate true leadership for cadets

16 How Are We Currently Doing?
Current impediments to a Positive Climate? Traditions, artifacts, phrases, etc? Creating a positive climate is more than just the absence of a negative one Proactive steps to take?

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