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Before Class This is an excellent time to review unit 1 material Focus on our most important concepts: Exploratory narratives (as a genre) Serial position.

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Presentation on theme: "Before Class This is an excellent time to review unit 1 material Focus on our most important concepts: Exploratory narratives (as a genre) Serial position."— Presentation transcript:

1 Before Class This is an excellent time to review unit 1 material Focus on our most important concepts: Exploratory narratives (as a genre) Serial position effect Editing and revision strategies Grammar rules we discussed last week All PowerPoints and lessons available on the class website:

2 Quiz 2 Answer the following questions in complete sentences (30 pts each): 1. What is thesis seeking prose(like an exploratory narrative)? What does it focus on, and how is it different from closed form prose? 2. What is the Serial Position Effect? What elements of our essays does it tell us are the most important? Edit the following information, paying attention to the prescrptive and descriptive grammar rules we discussed in class (10 pts each): 3. Who did you go on the trip with? 4. You’re research is fascinating, I enjoyed reading it. 5. Although I love biology my major is actualy chemistry. 6. Between you and I, athletes whom take steroids should be banned from competing.

3 Journal Entry 15 Focus: Reflect on Unit 1 Take a few minutes to remember the content from unit 1 of our class and the most important items within. Since January, we have reviewed the basic concepts of rhetoric and MLA format and learned about exploratory writing, conducting secondary research, thesis seeking prose, introductions, conclusions, and serial positioning effects. What do you think the most important concepts from unit 1 were? Was there any part of unit 1 that you found particularly easy or difficult? How has this class compared to your other English or research- based classes in college thus far? What did you find most useful from unit 1? I urge you here to consider your major or field of study and how you might use what you have learned in this field in the future.

4 Group Activity: Second Draft Peer Review In groups of 2 students (choose someone other than your last peer review partner) Exchange the second draft of your Exploratory Narrative and answer the questions below. Make sure to share the answers with your peer reviewee before turning them in. 1. What is your reaction to the student’s introduction? Does it sufficiently grab your interest 2. What is the student’s research question? Is this research question clear and open? 3. How would you evaluate the sources that have been found for the essay? Are they credible and current? Do they examine the issue from multiple perspectives? Are these properly documented on the Works Cited page? 4. How would you evaluate the critical thinking and reflection in the body paragraphs of the essay? Does the student sufficiently evaluate each source from multiple perspectives? 5. What is your reaction to the student’s conclusion? What is the student’s final answer to their research question? Does this seem sufficient given the information presented in the body paragraphs? 6. Identify at least one positive, strong element of the essay and explain why you feel it is strong. Then identify one area of the essay that you feel needs improvement and how it could be improved

5 Homework: Bring A&B textbook to class on Wednesday and Friday Exploratory Narrative Final Draft Due Thursday 2/19 to by midnight Electronic submissions only. Paper copies not accepted. (technological problems are not an excuse for late submissions) It is highly recommended that you have a conference or at least speak with me about your essay progress

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