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“Someone Watching Over Me…” Song by Yolanda Adams.

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Presentation on theme: "“Someone Watching Over Me…” Song by Yolanda Adams."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Someone Watching Over Me…” Song by Yolanda Adams

2 Psalms 104:3 “You use the clouds as your chariot and ride upon the wings of the wind...” “You use the clouds as your chariot and ride upon the wings of the wind...”

3 Behold! He comes with clouds… Revelation 1 :7

4 Ecclesiastes 4:9 Two are better than one…

5 suddenly, And suddenly, there came a sound from heaven like a mighty rushing wind… Acts 2:2

6 Hebrews 4:12 For the Word of God is quick…and powerful.

7 ISAIAH 40:31 They shall mount up with wings like eagles…”

8 PSALMS 119:109 Though I constantly take my life into my hands… I will not forget your law.

9 And I will send the Hornet before you… JOSHUA 24:12

10 There is a friend that sticks closer than a brother… Proverbs 18:24

11 Draw near unto GOD and He will draw near to you… James 4:8

12 The Lord is my strength and my shield… Psalms 28:7


14 “Thanks to all the men and women of our military who take to the skies and keep watch over us…God bless you and God bless the U.S.A.” He satisfies my life with good things, so my youth is renewed like the eagle. PSALMS 103:5 PSALMS 103:5

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