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1 TF8 : Applicability for Commercial Vehicles EVS 8th Meeting June 4th , Washington DC.

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1 1 TF8 : Applicability for Commercial Vehicles EVS 8th Meeting June 4th , Washington DC

2 2 Work after EVS-07 Meeting 1. EVS-07 Meeting updated and discussed the lastest statur of TF8. 2. TF8 leader send out the proposal revised with the discussion of EVS-07. 3. JAMA and OICA give their feedback by April, 2015. 4. TF8 leader analyzed and combined the comments and ideas of all the participants.

3 3 Current Status and Conclusion 1. Regarding the Scope of TF8 -- JAMA and OICA: Passenger vehicles and light-heavy vehicles ( less than 3.5t or 4.5t) will be included in the main contents of EVS-GTR, while heavy-duty vehicles (over 3.5t or 4.5t) should be in the annex of EVS-GTR or be researched to establish a seperated GTR. -- heavy-Duty vehicles should be inclued in the EVS-GTR either in the main contents or in the annex. For this issue, Comments and ideas from the group would be welcomed......

4 4 Current Status and Conclusion 2. Items being accpted by all the members of TF8 For the following items, all the members thought the requirements should be the same for passenger vichiles and heavy-duty vehices, which can be applicable directy:  External short circuit protection;  Overcharge protection  Overdischarge protection;  Overtemperature protection  SOC;  Thermal shock and cycling These items will be considered how to involved in the EVS-GTR.

5 5 Current Status and Conclusion 3. NO Mechanical Integrity for heavy-duty vehilce All the members agree that mechanical integrity should be not applicable for heavy-duty vehicles since the crash requirements are not requested for those vehicles. Mechanical Integrity will be deleted for heavy-duty vehicles in the EVS-GTR.

6 6 Current Status and Conclusion 4. Items to be revised specificly for heavy-duty vehicles For the following items, revised requirements and test procedure should be discussed according to the characteristics of heavy-duty vehicles:  Vibration  Fire resistance  Low energy  Leakage  Venting  HV safety These items will be considered how to involved in the EVS-GTR.

7 7 Current Status and Conclusion 4. Items counting on the results of other TFs For some of the items, the discussion should be consistent with the research results of other TFs:  Water Protection: flood testing will be different for the different types of buses; water protection during charging will be considered according to the discussion of TF1.  BMS and Sub-system: test on heavy-duty vehicles should be done on the whole BMS or the sub-system could be consided together with the discussion of TF4.  Cell/Module Safety: cell/module issues will depend on the discussion of TF5 (Thermaol propagation). TF8 will follow the work of other TFs for the discussion of the related items accordingly.

8 8 Next-step Plan 1. Further Discussion on the scope of EVS-GTR, including heavy- duty vehicles or not. 2. Detailed Research on the items which should be revised accoding to the characteristics of heavy-duty vehicles. 3. Follow up the progress of other related TFs, so that some of the items could be determined accordingly.

9 9 Thank you !

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