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How to find reliable internet sources

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1 How to find reliable internet sources

2 Can we always trust the internet?
“Question everything.” – Who said this? Socrates – famous philosopher Always be skeptical, don’t accept answers simply because they are easy or because they “fit”. If there is scientific evidence, then maybe I’ll believe you.

3 Wikipedia Is Wikipedia reliable? Why or why not?
Anyone can edit Wikipedia so we risk citing incorrect information from people who aren’t experts. Citing Wikipedia isn’t the best option, but it is a good place to start. Every Wikipedia article should have their own list of sources where they generalized their information from.

4 Says who? Who is this? Dr. Oz – famous tv celebrity doctor, gives advice majorly to millions of women. An actual doctor. The problem: boring or difficult doesn’t make headlines and it doesn’t attract readers The solution: “Magic” remedies and “Simple Steps” for results The new problem: instant gratification and misdirection

5 Clickbait vs. Actual Science
Some titles are often misleading and overgeneralize complex science studies. Clickbait articles are those with titles that draw attention from readers by using phrases that imply simple answers to broad issues. EX. Science Finally Explains Slackers The trick is to find the sources cited and make sure the data truly represents the generalizations made. Read through the abstract and conclusion to get the best idea of what the article claims.

6 Is the information outdated?
Always check the date! Rule of thumb: Look for the most recent studies and then slowly go back. If information starts to differ substantially the further back you go, it’s probably outdated. Ex. Is pluto a planet? ce-news/science-at- nasa/2005/29jul_planetx/

7 Alternative Search Engines
Some search engines are constructed for the purpose of only finding peer-reviewed, published journals. Google Scholar

8 Bacon on the decline: Processed red meat is now cancerous??!?!
Recently in the news, lots of panic and switches to vegetarian alternatives. But is it true? Avoiding cancer is an important topic in the media, but can also lead to unnecessary fear and lifestyle changes. What can we do to change this carcinogen stigma or at least validate it? Source:

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