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Global Visibility: Regional and Seasonal Pattern Janja D. Husar and Rudolf B. Husar CAPITA, Washington University, St. Louis, MO 63130-4899 HTTP\CAPITA\CapitaReports\GLOBVIZ\GLOBVIS1.html.

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Presentation on theme: "Global Visibility: Regional and Seasonal Pattern Janja D. Husar and Rudolf B. Husar CAPITA, Washington University, St. Louis, MO 63130-4899 HTTP\CAPITA\CapitaReports\GLOBVIZ\GLOBVIS1.html."— Presentation transcript:

1 Global Visibility: Regional and Seasonal Pattern Janja D. Husar and Rudolf B. Husar CAPITA, Washington University, St. Louis, MO 63130-4899 HTTP\CAPITA\CapitaReports\GLOBVIZ\GLOBVIS1.html

2 Questions Role of aerosols in global warming. Is there a singular background aerosol or background aerosol is regional. Role of anthropogenic aerosol vs background

3 Visibility data Surface observations. Over 8000 stations' throughout the six continents. The on line data files presented: January, 1994 through October 1997.

4 Approach Exploration of extinction coefficient seasonality in different regions of the world. Delineate a region by its topography and/or Look for similarity in seasonal trend

5 Extinction Coefficient Contours, km-1, High bext (>0.5km-1) India: year round; Indonesia: fall; W. Africa: winter; Bolivia: fall

6 Du Xinli Shaanxi Institute for Environmetnal Research and Design Xi’an, China

7 Asia, Far East (China)

8 More about dust storms in China http:/

9 Western China: Desert regions north of Tibet (Xizeng), Xinjiang province : Spring peak: Higher bext in the foothills of Tibet than in the north

10 Western China, Spring 1996, highly episodic, episodes coincide over vast territory of western China

11 Western China, Tibet and Gobi Spring peak : Episodic, lower bext than in Xinjiang province

12 Western China, Tibet and Gobi Winter low and few episodes; Spring slightly higher and some episodes

13 Eastern China, North

14 China, Sichuan and Shaanxi provinces Enclosed industrial basins in the central part of China, winter peaked

15 China, Harbin in the north and Nan-ning in the south

16 Indian subcontinent, about 100 monitoring stations

17 Visibility-Population Density Comparison In India bext and population density compare OK

18 Indian subcontinent


20 India Desert

21 Satellite AVHRR optical depth data over the oceans RB Husar et al., 1997, JGR, 102, 16889-16909. Note extent and magnitude of elevated optical depth: Winter and Spring: western Africa and China Summer and Fall: northern western Africa and equatorial Africa

22 Africa vegetation map

23 Africa, western, tropical forest-savanna Mali to Benin, winter peak

24 Africa, western; Sahara southern part. Winter peak still present, however spring peak appears

25 Africa, western; equatorial. Summer peak

26 South America Forests And September Fires

27 South America, Bolivia


29 Global aerosol jigsaw puzzle Fuse information, collect available aerosol measurements

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