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Theme 1 Governance, politics and marketization – changes in the Nordic understanding of justice through education Joint meeting with the 2 teams.

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Presentation on theme: "Theme 1 Governance, politics and marketization – changes in the Nordic understanding of justice through education Joint meeting with the 2 teams."— Presentation transcript:

1 Theme 1 Governance, politics and marketization – changes in the Nordic understanding of justice through education Joint meeting with the 2 teams

2 Ongoing projects related to the theme (incomplete list) 2010-13 PARENTS AND SCHOOL CHOICE (PASC). Family Strategies, Segregation and School Policies in Chilean and Finnish Basic Schooling. (Univ. of Helsinki) 2012-15. INCLUSIVE AND COMPETITIVE. Working under conflicting demands in upper secondary school (Univ. of Umeå) 2010-14 UNSAFE TRANSITIONS. Drop-out from upper secondary school in individual and institutional perspectives (Univ. Of Umeå). TRANSITIONS OF YOUNG PEOPLE ‘AT RISK’ IN THE PROJECT SOCIETY (Univ. of Helsinki Univ)

3 Collaboration plans/ideas (1)Build on existing projects, extend them by getting new funding. Joint analysis and comparison from a Nordic perspective (2) New project ideas (3) Applying existing concepts and models on new fields of research (4) Conference Spring 2014 (5) Publications related to activities 1-4 (6) Workshops related to activities 1-5 (7) Joint supervision of PhD students?

4 Concrete examples of 1-3 (1) Extending ongoing projects - Inclusive and competitive -Unsafe transitions (‘lost in transition’) -Collecting and jointly analysing data on Nordic education/education politics (2) Possible new projects -New politics of inclusion - new social divisions and inequalities. Diversification of inclusion (institutional, individual levels) (3) Applying existing concepts and models -Using the model of transnational dynamics in (re-) analysis of Nordic education politics -Applying models/concepts developed in analyses of compulsory and upper-secondary in the fields of further and higher education

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