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7b. SDMX practical use case: Census Hub

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1 7b. SDMX practical use case: Census Hub
Nadezhda Vlahova Eurostat Unit B3: “IT for statistical production” SDMX Basics course, October 2015 1

2 The European Census Hub: key issues
Dissemination of the data from the 2011 population and housing censuses in the European Union Data that are methodologically comparable and structured according to “hypercubes” agreed with Member States (Census Regulation) Providing users with an easy access to detailed census data (advanced functionalities) Management of massive amounts of data produced and controlled by Member States High accessibility to data and metadata Harmonised concepts and definitions Maximum flexibility to cross-tabulate data from different sources Easy to use 2

3 EU Census: Implementing measures
Regulation (EC) 763/2008 on population and housing censuses authorises the European Commission to adopt implementing measures on: technical specifications of the topics and their breakdown (Regulation (EC) 1201/2009) programme of the statistical data and metadata to be transmitted to Eurostat (Regulation (EU) 519/2010) quality reporting and technical format of data transmission (Regulation (EU) 1151/2010)

4 What we need? Environment for dissemination of massive amounts of harmonised data which is easy to use and reuse Possibility to compare and cross-tabulate topics of interest, on data collected from different sources Countries Census data and metadata should be made available by 31 March 2014 and stored until 2025 Single point to access and retrieve detailed census data, numerical and textual metadata Standardized approach for similar data collections No validation and aggregation on the fly are required, neither supported

5 The Hub concept The Hub is based on the concept of data sharing, where a group of partners agree on providing access to their data according to standard processes, formats and technologies. The SDMX Hub approach offers several advantages: decoupling of NSIs' systems from the central hub via standard formats and techniques for the exchange; Limited investment, re-usability (with the advantage of using recognized international standards). Software (SDMX-RI) is supplied by Eurostat. 5

6 Hub approach – PULL method for data collection and dissemination
register SDMX Registry query NSI P U L Hub Dissemination Received data in SDMX-ML Eurostat Pull Requestor Loader Eurobase Dissemination Verification / Conversion To SDMX eDAMIS P U S H XSL for SDMX-ML Warehouse storage Intermediate storage Data Input

7 What is the Census Hub ? Interoperability/Initiative (32 countries participating in the project) Business driven project Delivered: Information system to query and display SDMX formatted data (e.g. Census 2011 data) retrieved from different data providers – Census Hub Universal framework for exposure and translation in SDMX-ML format of data stored in a legacy dissemination database – SDMX-Reference Infrastructure (SDMX-RI)

8 Prerequisite: SDMX compliance* (1/2)
Agreed standard/format for data exchange Defined definitions, concepts, codelists, DSDs, transmission model and obligations Requires: NSIs to create and transmit data according to: agreed format mode of data exchange defined time period * Prerequisite for SDMX tools and SDMX exchange

9 SDMX compliance (2/2) Data preparation
Macrodata database Statistical variables (topics) Microdata database Aggregated dataset n Individual records Non-SDMX local dissemination data Aggregated dataset 5 Aggregated dataset 1 Aggregated dataset 2 Aggregated dataset 4 Aggregated dataset 3

10 Example: DSD for Table 6 (Marital Status)
Dimensions Attributes ID CONCEPT CODELIST TIME Time period or range CL_TIME GEO Geographical area CL_GEO SEX Sex CL_SEX FST Family status CL_FST LMS Legal marital status CL_LMS CAS Current activity status CL_CAS POB Country/place of birth CL_POB COC Country of citizenship CL_COC AGE Age CL_AGE FREQ Frequency CL_FREQ ID ATTACHMENT LEVEL CODELIST OBS_STATUS Observation CL_OBS_STATUS OBS_LEVEL CL_OBS_LEVEL OBS_NOTE HC_NOTE Series Measures ID NAME OBS_VALUE Observation value

11 Census datasets (hypercubes)
Hypercube HC06 GEO.L. SEX. FST.H. LMS. CAS.L. POB.M. COC.M. AGE.M. (57) (3) (17) (13) (6) (15) (28) Theoretical number of cells = 57 * 3 * 17 * 13 * 6 * 15 * 13 * 28 = … = 1,238,033,160 cells (NB: for one country and one table…)

12 Census datasets (hypercubes)
Hypercube HC04 GEO.L. SEX. HST.H. LOC. CAS.L. POB.L. COC.L. AGE.M. Using the naming conventions of Eurobase its name would be: Population in NUTS2 regions by sex, five-years age groups, household status, size of the locality and broad groups of current activity status, place of birth and country of citizenship  we need to change the way in which we give access to data

13 SDMX exchange and supporting tools
Requires: aggregated data and SDMX DSDs SDMX exchange and supporting tools Process workflow NSI SDMX codes Extract files Transform file SDMX file Dissemination/Transmission SDMX Converter NSI software NSI software SDMX Converter Processing for sending EDAMIS SDMX-RI Non-SDMX local data Processing for sending Test client NSI client EDAMIS Mapping Assistant NSI Web service HUB NSI development EDAMIS NSI software Eurostat tools NSI developed software

14 SDMX-RI architecture overview
SDMX-RI – User Interfaces Data providing organisation Data collecting organisation Web/Test Client Mapping Assistant Internal network SDMX-RI – “Under the hood” Non-SDMX local data SDMX-formatted data 14 14

15 Census Hub - Standardisation of the approach
Data Provider = NSI Data Collector SDMX (STANDARD, EXCHANGE, METADATA, REPOSITORY) WEB SERVICES DSD DSD Mapping Assistant Metadata repository Mapping store DSD Web Client SDMX query Test Client SDMX response Census Hub Non-SDMX local database

16 Based on Census Regulation - Data Hub is:
System of DSDs built on SDMX 2.0 (standard concepts and codes) and in use for 32 countries of the European Statistical System Data dissemination portal based on SDMX data model communicating with data providers via SDMX Web Service No data processing (no editing or aggregation) Additional reusable modules for LAU / NUTS management Tool for handling SDMX structural metadata Innovative user interface allowing user to extract data by starting from the statistical concept MSs status: 32 up and running

17 Through the SDMX Hub, a data user can…
Browse the Hub to define a dataset of interest, navigating via structural metadata: - Search by topic (filters) and select data (level of detail, breakdowns) - Select layout (axes) View a table Export a file (CSV, Excel, SDMX-ML) User can register by: - Providing a valid address - The system is generating random password - User is notified via for his password Registered users can: - Save, retrieve, modify or delete stored queries - Receive an notification when offline queries are executed 17

18 How the Hub works National Statistical Institute
Eurostat Census Hub 18 18 18


20 For more information 20

21 Thank you for your attention








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