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Presentation on theme: "By Aldous Huxley. WHAT WILL THE WORLD BE LIKE IN."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Aldous Huxley


3  Published in 1932  Set in 2540 A.D.  Humans are no longer born, but rather manufactured in a factory  People are created and sorted by rank  Individuality and free thinking have been mostly abolished and people function according to their conditioning

4 Terms to Know  Hypnopædia – the science of sleep teaching. This is one way humans are conditioned in Huxley’s world  Pneumatic – well-proportioned (female body)  Hatching – in the novel, the process by which humans are created (instead of born)  Soma – a legal, government provided mood altering drug  Malthusian belt – an accessory worn by women which holds contraceptives  Bokanovsky process – a scientific process which allows a single egg to spawn up to 96 children and one ovary to produce thousands of children

5 Most Important Invention of the Past 200 Years

6 Why the Model T? 1. Assembly line 1. Mass produced 2. Interchangeable parts 3. Efficient and dependable 2. Affordable to middle class 1. Built for the multitude

7 Alphas: Wear grey; these are the intellectuals of society. Some examples of professions can be World Controllers (Alpha double Plus), Directors of Hatcheries, and Wardens. Bernard, a psychologist, is also an Alpha. Who are our Alphas?

8 Betas: Mulberry colored; these persons are somewhat intelligent and often work as mechanics. Who are our Betas?

9 Gammas: Wear green; often work as machine minders/manipulators, butlers, and other semi- thought-provoking jobs. Who are our Gammas?

10 Deltas Wear khaki, helicopter attendants, cold pressers, screw-cutters, package packers; are mass produced and have no individuality. Who are our Deltas?

11 Epsilon Wear black, can’t read or write, Sewage Workers, liftmen, foundry-workers, carriers, semi-morons. Who are our Epsilons?

12 For bonus points, on Monday, dress like one of the casts featured in Brave New World. People would have been dressed head to toe in whatever color indicated their rank. The more creative you are, the more bonus points you’ll earn.


14 Translation of the epigraph:  " Utopias seem to be much more achievable than we formerly believed them to be. Now we find ourselves presented with another alarming question: how do we prevent utopias from coming into existence? …Utopias are possible. Life tends towards the formation of utopias. Perhaps a new century will begin, a century in which intellectuals and the privileged will dream of ways to eliminate utopias and return to a non-utopic society less “perfect” and more free.” – Nicholas Berdiaeff, translated from the French by Shmoop

15 COMMUNITY, IDENTITY, STABILITY 1. Go to 2. Design a shield/coat of arms that would be displayed above important World State buildings (such as the hatchery) 3. Select any images or values that you feel the World State would choose to represent itself. 4. In some form, include the motto (“Community, Identity, Stability”)

16 5. When you finish your coat of arms, print it out and put your name on it. 6. This project can easily be completed in one class period. 7. Be insightful and considerate as you work.

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