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The Past Present and Future of Air Force Learning.

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Presentation on theme: "The Past Present and Future of Air Force Learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Past Present and Future of Air Force Learning

2 Learning Organizations Origins  Richard T. Pascale - First use of the term - 1980  Peter Senge - Made “Learning Organization” phrase famous - 1990 - First book - Other Publications  Today’s perspective - Growing concept - Need for Learning Organization

3 Learn or Perish  Marquardt’s 8 driving forces 1. Globalization and the global economy 2. Technology 3. Radical transformation of the work world 4. Increased Customer Influence 5. Emergence of knowledge and learning as major organizational assets 6. Changing roles and expectations of workers 7. Workplace diversity and mobility 8. Rapidly escalating change and chaos.

4 Today’s Learning Organizations  Individual Effort  Motivation  Training to learn  Basic human need  Different ways to learn  Manager’s involvement

5 Learning Organization from a Leadership point of view I interviewed my boss (my immediate boss) for this project. The questions I asked her were based on the readings and tips gathered from this class.  Question #1: Please give me your perspective on Learning in this organization.  Question #2: Do you see an advantage in a Learning Organization?  Question #3: Do you feel that the AF does enough for the training program?  Question #4: Do you think learning has changed in the past 5 years?

6 Learning Organization from a Leadership point of view  Question #5 What do you think of the current learning curriculum?  Question #6: What do you expect from the AF, in terms of learning, in the future?  Question #7: Is there anything that you think is not working the way it should?  Question #8: Any particular favorite learning programs?  Question #9: What is your opinion on education as it relates to learning?  Question #10: What is your opinion on technology as it relates to learning?  Any comments:

7 Learning Organization Kirk, J. & Kirk, L. (1996). Training games for the learning organization. Chicago, IL: McGraw-Hill Professional Marquardt, M. (2006). Building the learning organization: mastering the 5 elements for corporate learning. Boston, MA: Nicholas Brealey Publishing Senge, P. (2006). The Fifth Discipline. New York, NY: Random House Digital, Inc

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