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ALERT™ AWARE™ & BEACH™ Network Day Tuesday 20 th October 2015 Holiday Inn, Birmingham 1.

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Presentation on theme: "ALERT™ AWARE™ & BEACH™ Network Day Tuesday 20 th October 2015 Holiday Inn, Birmingham 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 ALERT™ AWARE™ & BEACH™ Network Day Tuesday 20 th October 2015 Holiday Inn, Birmingham 1

2 ALERT v4 updates to teaching materials Nicky Sayer ALERT™ Course Director 2

3 Post Course Evaluation PHT results: Aug-14 to Sep-15 25 50 75 100 Never Sometimes Usually Always Response rate: Candidate Manager 23 % 12 % The training had an impact on clinical practice: Candidate Manager

4 Ideas under development Pre & Post Course MCQ option Less lectures and develop the sessions to be more workshop and scenario based Increased options for introducing local policies, documents, case studies etc. Sepsis is included NEWS used throughout 4

5 Ideas under development Airway as a skill station Two scenarios per candidate More scenarios to pick from so able to choose a scenario relevant to the candidates role/speciality Human factors included 5

6 Draft programme for 16 candidates 0900-0940Introduction & Case Discussion 0940-1010The ALERT TM System of Assessment 1010-1025COFFEE 1025-1115Airway and Breathing Skill Station 1115-1145Breathing Workshop 1145-1225Circulation Workshop 1225-1300LUNCH 6

7 Draft programme for 16 candidates 1300-1330Sepsis Workshop 1330-1415Communication and Human Factors 1415-1430Faculty Demo of an ALERT Scenario 1430-1530Scenarios (4 x 15 mins) 1530-1545TEA 1545-1645Scenarios (4 x 15 mins) 1645-1700Evaluation & Close 7

8 Airway and Breathing Skill Station Learning Outcomes: Able to open an airway with head tilt chin lift and jaw thrust Able to size and insert an Oropharyngeal & Nasopharyngeal airway Able to use of non-rebreathing oxygen mask and a Bag-Valve-Mask device 8

9 Airway and Breathing Skill Station Resources 4 x airway trainer, OPA & NPA, O2 cylinder, O2 mask, BVM 4 x educators and stations/rooms 9

10 Breathing Workshop Understand when and how to deliver oxygen safely Understand the methods of monitoring the effectiveness of oxygenation Understand causes and management of the blue & breathless patient 10

11 Circulation Includes AKI and Oliguira Case study and flash files being updated 11

12 Sepsis Separate workshop for 30mins Emphasis on the Sepsis 6 and escalation of care Enables local sepsis pathways and antimicrobial prescribing policies to be introduced and used 12

13 Communication & Human Factors Learning Objectives Understand the importance of clinical human factors Identify how this affects our performance under pressure Understand why effective communication is an important part of patient care Understand how to use a communication tool 13

14 Scenarios Two scenarios per candidate More scenarios to pick from so able to choose a scenario relevant to the candidates role/speciality Will have clear outcomes that have to be achieved linked to a competency document 14

15 Any Questions? 15

16 Summary ALERT v4 development is progressing well 4-5 Pilot sites for the new teaching materials are required Any comments and suggestions email 16

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