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Introduction A short course on: Modeling IO processes and phenomena INCOIS Hyderabad, India November 16−27, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction A short course on: Modeling IO processes and phenomena INCOIS Hyderabad, India November 16−27, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction A short course on: Modeling IO processes and phenomena INCOIS Hyderabad, India November 16−27, 2015

2 To provide an introduction to dynamically important phenomena that occur in the North Indian Ocean (NIO) at time and space scales from large to small, and to the processes that maintain those phenomena and cause their variability. Goal Organization Morning lectures describe a specific phenomena (by showing movies, etc.) and demonstrate the processes that underlie them (by presenting analytic solutions). Afternoon practicals will support the morning discussion, through analyses of observational data and model output.

3 What dynamically important phenomena are prominent in the NIO? wind-driven circulation; wave radiation; surface mixed layer; geophysical instabilities; biophysical interactions; eddies and fronts; intraseasonal variability; overturning cells; climate variability What types of ocean models are useful for studying NIO phenomena? model hierarchy: OGCMs, LCS model, layer models What types of ocean waves impact NIO phenomena? gravity and Rossby waves; Kelvin waves; shelf waves How does wind drive circulations in the interior, coastal and equatorial ocean? Ekman flow; Ekman pumping; excitation of Rossby waves; adjustment to Sverdrup balance Questions (1)

4 What are the basic types of geophysical instabilities? convective; Kelvin-Helmholtz; barotropic; baroclinic What processes determine the thickness of the surface mixed layer in the ocean? surface buoyancy flux; wind stirring; KH instability What physical processes impact biological activity? upwelling; entrainment; ML thickness How do eddies and fronts impact ocean circulation and properties? broaden mean currents; strong advection of tracers How is the monsoon influenced by climate processes in the Indian and Pacific Oceans? impact of MJOs, ENSO, and IOD events Questions (2)

5 Lectures 1a & 1b: Ocean phenomena Lecture 2a: Ocean models OGCMs; LCS & layer models; model hierarchy Lecture 2b: Wave radiation dispersion relations; gravity, Rossby & Kelvin waves Lectures 3a & 3b: Wind forcing, interior ocean Ekman drift and inertial oscillations; Ekman pumping; adjustment to Sverdrup balance Lectures 4a & 4b: Wind forcing, coastal ocean coastal trapping; critical latitude; shelf waves; vertical propagation Lectures 5a & 5b: Wind forcing, equatorial ocean Yoshida Jet; boundary reflections; vertical propagation Lecture 6a: Small-scale instabilities convective, Kelvin-Helmholtz Lectures (1)

6 Lecture 6b: Surface mixed layer observations; models Lectures 7a & 7b: Biophysics convective, Kelvin-Helmholtz, barotropic, baroclinic Lecture 8a: Large-scale instabilities barotropic; baroclinic Lecture 8b: Eddies and fronts observations; impacts Lectures 9a & 9b: Intraseasonal variability P = ~14, 27, 30−60 & 90 days; forcing; processes Lectures 10a & 10b: Overturning circulations CEC; STC; RSW; PGW Lecture 11: Monsoon and climate basic monsoon properties, impact of ENSO and IOD Lectures (2)

7 References All the powerpoint talks presented in the course can be downloaded from the class website at the link: p It will be very beneficial if you can review talks a day in advance. Useful references can also be found at the website. They include class notes from Julian McCreary and D. Shankar, and a few relevant papers. (Copyright laws prevent us from including most papers. Let us know if you would like e-copies.) A particularly useful reference is HIGNotes.pdf, as it provides a condensed version of some of the class notes. (A confusion with those notes, though, is that σ → −σ.)

8 References The content and organization of the present course was inspired by a summer school held at NIO in 2010 (NIOSS). An overview of the course can be found at the web site: w/tid/4/sid/23/nid/255

9 References Some of the movies shown during the course are stored in the folder Movies&Pics at the class website. Most movies, though, were prepared during NIOSS, and are stored in the Tutorials folders at the website 4/sid/114/eid/143 I recommend that you download all of these movies onto your own computer. A description of each movie is provided in the Tutorials folders at the NIOSS website. In addition, ExperimentList.docx in the NIOSSMovies folder provides the same description of all the NIOSS movies. For convenience, the NIOSSMovies folder also has empty subfolders where you can add all the NIOSS movies once you download them.

10 Only a start At the end of this course, you will have learned a lot about NIO dynamics. But, it is impossible to cover everything about the NIO in this short time. So, the talks and practicals can only provide an introduction to various topics of NIO dynamics. Our expectation is that the course will then make it easier for you to study further. Mathematics I have tried to minimize the mathematics presented in my talks, instead focusing on physical concepts. However, some mathematical discussion is useful (required). Additional mathematical details are provided in the class notes. Thoughts (1)

11 Fast pace Given the time limits of the course, we have to go at a fast pace. So, it is essential that you keep up with the material. If possible, in the evenings please review each lecture a day in advance. Discussion Although these talks are called “lectures,” they are meant to be “discussions.” So, ask questions and bring up issues at any time during the presentations. Mistakes I often make mistakes, both in speaking and (likely) in the slides. Please bring any errors to my attention. Thoughts (1)

12 Thanks INCOIS S. Shenoi B.M. Rao, K. Kumar D. Shankar, S. Shetye, P.N. Vinayachandran S.G. Aparna, P. Biswamoy, A. Chatterjee, P.A. Francis, M.S. Girishkumar, A. Mukherjee, P. Amol, B. Rohith, P. Singh, K. Suprit, V. Vijith

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