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BROWNIES Fall 2011. Category Overview  Size of the Category: $286,872,700 in sales, 47 million buyers, 40.5% penetration.  The Supplier is in control.

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Presentation on theme: "BROWNIES Fall 2011. Category Overview  Size of the Category: $286,872,700 in sales, 47 million buyers, 40.5% penetration.  The Supplier is in control."— Presentation transcript:

1 BROWNIES Fall 2011

2 Category Overview  Size of the Category: $286,872,700 in sales, 47 million buyers, 40.5% penetration.  The Supplier is in control of this category because there is a strong national brand presence.  Strong brands: Betty Crocker, Duncan Hines, Pillsbury. BrandsManufacturer # SKUs PillsburyJ.M. Smucker 15 Bett CrockerGeneral Mills15 Duncan HinesPinnacle Foods13 GhiradheliContintental Mills4 HospitalityGilster/Mary Lee1 No PudgeReily Foods5 Simply OrganicFrontier Natural1 Dr. OekterDr. Oetker1 Baker's CornerPrivate Label1 Market PantryPrivate Label2 KrogerPrivate Label3 Best ChoicePrivate Label7

3 Importance of Depth  SKUs by Store

4 Importance of Depth: Demographics BETTY CROCKER DUNCAN HINES GHIRARDELLIPILLSBURYCTL BR - DOLLAR VOLUME INDEX TOTAL HOUSEHOLDS 100.0 INC - <$20,000 60.275.937.269.3107.5 INC - $20,000-29,999 77.594.265.5101.1121.8 INC - $30,000-39,999 92.889.895.8147.2106.3 INC - $40,000-49,999 102.3108.975.787.2140.2 INC - $50,000-69,999 112.0112.1102.290.696.4 INC - $70,000-99,999 123.2111.2129.2130.883.8 INC - $100,000+ 125.0107.5170.387.369.3 SIZE - 1 MEM 41.749.542.222.553.2 SIZE - 2 MEM 96.897.0109.470.481.4 SIZE - 3-4 MEM 131.2128.1121.6165.0129.2 SIZE - 5+ MEM 163.6152.8151.8194.1188.2 AGE FH - UNDER 35 115.0109.3131.4212.7112.0 AGE FH - 35-44 136.3131.3119.2150.7135.2 AGE FH - 45-54 130.1125.6130.5121.2118.7 AGE FH - 55+ 89.898.784.451.491.8 AGE FH - 55-64 93.6106.988.458.797.1 AGE FH - 65+ 85.990.380.343.986.3 AGE FH - NO FEMALE HEAD 42.443.348.58.154.5 KIDS - NONE < 18 76.781.281.947.972.0 KIDS - ANY < 18 143.4135.0133.6196.8152.0 YOUNGER BUSTLING FAMILIES 143.2127.8138.9206.5165.6 OLDER BUSTLING FAMILIES 179.6167.0165.5186.3169.6

5 Importance of Depth: Role  Role: Maintain  Sales Dollars: $287million  Household Penetration: 40.5%  Gross Margins: 17.5%

6 Strength of Brands: Display Space Share of Display Manufacturer Name Harps GarlandWalmart 6thHarps FiestaMarvins IGAKroger Conway Contiental Mills% of Total Sum 15.4% 3.6%16.7% % of Total N 14.8% 3.7%17.4% N 4 14 General Mills-BC% of Total Sum 32.2%32.7%37.1%25.0%33.3% % of Total N 28.9%29.6%26.1%25.9%34.8% N 118678 Gilster/Mary Lee Corp.% of Total Sum 3.8% % of Total N 3.7% N 1 Pinnacle Foods Group-DH% of Total Sum 25.4%34.6%31.4%17.9%25.0% % of Total N 21.1%33.3%34.8%18.5%21.7% N 89855 Private Label% of Total Sum 13.6% 11.4% 12.5% % of Total N 15.8% 8.7% 13.0% N 6 2 3 Reily Foods Company% of Total Sum 14.3% % of Total N 14.8% N 4 The J.M. Smucker Company- P % of Total Sum 28.8%13.5%20.0%39.3%12.5% % of Total N 34.2%18.5%30.4%37.0%13.0% N 1357103 Total% of Total Sum 100.0% % of Total N 100.0% N 3827232723

7 Strength of Brands: Stocking Rate Data  Market Stocking Rate

8 Strength of Brands: Gross Margins Share of Display and Gross Margin % Manufacturer Name Harps Garland Facings Harps Garland GM% Walmart 6th Facings Walmart 6th GM% Harps Fiesta Facings Harps Fiesta GM% Marvins IGA College Facings Marvins IGA College GM% Kroger Conway Facings Kroger Conway Continental Mills-G % of Total Sum 15.4%12.4% 3.6% 16.7%17.5% % of Total N 14.8% 3.7% 17.4%20.0% N 44 1144 General Mills- BC % of Total Sum32.2%25.6%32.7%32.8%37.1%20.9%25.0%25.2%33.3%44.5% % of Total N28.9% 29.6% 26.1%25.0%25.9% 34.8%40.0% N11 88667788 Gilster/Mary Lee Corp. % of Total Sum 3.8%1.4% % of Total N 3.7% N 11 Pinnacle Foods Group-DH % of Total Sum25.4%24.7%34.6%31.3%31.4%36.7%17.9%19.1%25.0%22.4% % of Total N21.1% 33.3% 34.8%33.3%18.5% 21.7%25.0% N8899885555 Private Label% of Total Sum13.6%16.3% 11.4%8.3% 12.5% % of Total N15.8% 8.7%8.3% 13.0% N66 22 3 Reily Foods Company % of Total Sum 14.3%7.5% % of Total N 14.8% N 44 The J.M. Smucker Company-P % of Total Sum28.8%33.4%13.5%22.0%20.0%34.1%39.3%44.6%12.5%15.6% % of Total N34.2% 18.5% 30.4%33.3%37.0% 13.0%15.0% N13 557810 33 Total% of Total Sum100.0% % of Total N100.0% N38 27 232427 2320

9 Private Label: Strength  Weak Private Label  Stores carrying PL: Aldi, Harps, Kroger, Target  PL GM ≤ Retailer’s Avg. Category GM  PL used to initiate competition between suppliers

10 Private Label: Presence  Strongest PL commitment at Harps with Best Choice Brand having 7 SKUs  PL presence is decreasing because it only represents 5.4% of item dollars in the category compared to 6.9% last year.  Only premium PL is Archer Farms at Target  PL Demographics: Same as national brands, except more prevalent in lower income brackets. Fall 2011 Manufacturer Name Walmart 6th Facings Target Facings Harps Fiesta Facings Aldi Facings Walgreens MLK Facings Kroger Conway Facings Private Label % of Total Sum 30%11%100% 13% % of Total N 25%9%100% 13% N 221 3 Fall 2010

11 Private Label: Recommendations  Target should consider decreasing their private labels because their GM aren’t higher than the national brands.

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