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IB Business Management 1.1.1 Introduction to Business and Management.

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Presentation on theme: "IB Business Management 1.1.1 Introduction to Business and Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 IB Business Management 1.1.1 Introduction to Business and Management

2 Learning Outcomes Describe how business activity combines human, physical and financial resources to create goods and services (AO2)

3 Task – 2 minutes (In Pairs) Can you come up with a definition for the term ‘business’ (No Googling!) Write your definitions on the board

4 60 Second Video – Business in a Nutshell

5 What Is a Business? A business can be defined as an organisation that uses resources to produce goods and services for customers who want or need them. They often do this in order to make a profit

6 What Does a Business Do? The Business INPUTS OUTPUTS The overall aim of most businesses is to spend less on their inputs than they earn from their outputs and make a PROFIT Processes


8 Goods and Services… What is the difference between a good and a service?

9 Goods Goods are tangible objects that can be used or consumed

10 Services Services are non tangible

11 The Goods/Service Continuum What does this diagram show? Make your own continuum


13 The Factors of Production Factors of production are the INPUTS (resources) that a business uses to produce their goods/ services

14 Task Write a list of all of the inputs that go into producing …….

15 Task Watch the video… Snickers Unwrapped. Can you now add anything to your list

16 Good or Service Land Labour Capital Enterprise Profit Wages Rent Interest Factors of Production

17 Task Now you are aware of the factors of production is there anything else that you need to add to your list?

18 Which Factor Of Production?

19 Task Using the template Choose a product Make a diagram to show the different inputs that it requires. Include some images. Split into the 4 different factors of production

20 L Product Land Labour Capital Enterprise

21 Recap What is a business? What do businesses do? What is the difference between a need and a want? What is the difference between a good and a service? What are the four factors of production?

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