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1)The great number of religions coexisted on the East, and even Islam, irreconcilable in regard to western Christianity, enough quietly got along.

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4 1)The great number of religions coexisted on the East, and even Islam, irreconcilable in regard to western Christianity, enough quietly got along with traditional east beliefs. Thus, whatever shocks took a place, bases of civilization had remained solid. 2)The second important feature of the East was that society here did not lose connection with nature. Styles of different martial arts of the East were folded as a result of looking after motions of wild beasts (tiger, bear, monkey and etc.) Thoroughly studying an environment, the man of the East knew how it affects his organism.


6 1)In the West monks conducted the just ascetic way of life, because he pleasing God and provides paradisial beatitude. In Hinduism asceticism method to be compared to gods, and sometimes and to surpass them. Knowing mighty force of asceticism, he quite often is followed by gods. 2) Divinity as important sign system, summarizing social practice of man. Catholicism as one of directions Christian religion: concept of values and orientation of personality.


8 1)The imperfection and weakness before forces of nature Europeans began to compensate creation of bulky machines. They sharply selected itself from nature, left off to feel its part. Moreover, nature in their understanding became something like an enemy. It is necessary it was to be overcame, win, put itself on service. 2)Distinguishing features: 1. Strengthening of religious subject, especially that, related to by torments, wonders, visions; 2. Emotionalism; 3. Large value of irrational effects, elements; 4. Bright contrasting, emotionality of appearances; 5. Dynamism; 6. Gravitation to the summarizings and linking forms: a) single systems of philosophy; b) a search of unity is in contradictions of life; c) in architecture: an oval is in the line of building; architectural bands; d) a sculpture is inferior general decorative registration; e) in painting is a waiver of rectilineal prospect, underlining of space “endlessness”; f) in music is creation of sonatas, concerts, operas.

9 Culture of the East, the West and Europe differ widely, as people, above- ground in the countries of these parts of the world

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