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Myc-, mycet-, myco- fungi. myel-, myel- marrow necr-, necro- death, corpse.

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Presentation on theme: "Myc-, mycet-, myco- fungi. myel-, myel- marrow necr-, necro- death, corpse."— Presentation transcript:

1 myc-, mycet-, myco- fungi

2 myel-, myel- marrow

3 necr-, necro- death, corpse

4 new, strange neo-

5 neph-, nephro- kidney

6 neur-, neuro- nerve

7 noct-, nocti- night

8 nos-, noso- disease

9 ocul-, oculo- eye

10 tooth, teeth odont-, odonto-

11 -oid likeness, resemblance

12 olig-, oligo- few, a deficiency

13 -oma tumor, swelling

14 onych-, onycho- nails

15 oo-, ovi-, ovo- egg

16 oophor-, oophoro- oophor-, oophoro- ovary

17 opthal-, opthalmo- eye

18 orth-, ortho- straight, normal

19 oscillo- to swing to and fro

20 bone, bone tissue oss-, osseo-, ossi-, oste-, osteo-

21 -ostomy create a mouth or opening by surgery

22 ot-, oto- ear

23 -otomy cutting into

24 ovar-, ovario- ovary

25 -oxia pertaining to oxygen

26 para- near, beyond, apart from, beside

27 path-, patho-, -pathy disease. abnormal condition

28 child, foot ped-, pedia-

29 -penia lack of

30 per- through, excessively

31 peri- around

32 -pexy fixation

33 phag-, phago- to eat, to ingest

34 -phagia, -phagy eating, swallowing

35 -phasia speech, ability to talk

36 to be fond of, to like -phil, -philic

37 phleb-, phlebo- vein

38 phob-, phobia- fear, dread, abnormal aversion

39 phot-, photo- light

40 pile-, pili-, pilo- hair, resembling hair

41 -plasty molding, surgical formation

42 pleur-, pleuro- side, rib, serous membrane covering the lung and lining of the chest cavity

43 -pnea air, breathing

44 neum-, pneuma- pneumo-, pneumon- pneumato- p neum-, pneuma- pneumo-, pneumon- pneumato-, air lung, air

45 pod-, podo- foot

46 making, forming -poiesis

47 polio- gray

48 poly- many

49 post- behind, after, following

50 pre- before, ahead of

51 presby- old age

52 pro- in front of, before

53 proct-, procto- rectum

54 false pseud-, pseudo-

55 psych-, psycho- mind

56 -ptosis downward displacement, falling, prolapse

57 pulmo-, pulmono- lung

58 py-. pyo- pus

59 kidney pelvis pyel-, pyelo-

60 rachi-, rachio- spine

61 radio- emission of rays or radiation

62 re- again, back

63 ren- kidney

64 retro- backward, located behind

65 flow of matter or of a current of electricity rheo-

66 rhin-, rhino- nose

67 -rrhage, -rrhagia excessive flow

68 -rrhaphy suturing of or sewing up of a gap or defect in a part

69 -rrhea flow or discharge

70 salping-, salpingo- tube

71 scler-, sclero- hardness

72 scolio- twisted, crooked

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