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Presented by: Fatimah Ferré, MCom, CHES Matt Moyer, MA, CHES Brandye Nobiling, MS, CHES Southern Illinois University-Carbondale 4/1/2009 Live Free – Tobacco.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by: Fatimah Ferré, MCom, CHES Matt Moyer, MA, CHES Brandye Nobiling, MS, CHES Southern Illinois University-Carbondale 4/1/2009 Live Free – Tobacco."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by: Fatimah Ferré, MCom, CHES Matt Moyer, MA, CHES Brandye Nobiling, MS, CHES Southern Illinois University-Carbondale 4/1/2009 Live Free – Tobacco Free Smoke Free Survey In conjunction with: Dr. Elaine M. Vitello and Ms. Edith Ng’oma SIUC - Center for Rural Health and Social Services Live Free – Tobacco Free 2009

2 Nearly 60 college campuses in the U.S. have a campus wide smoke free policy ( Illinois went smoke free on January 1, 2008. The regulations on SIUC campus do not conform with Illinois Smoke Free Act. A challenge existed to re-write The Clean Air Policy. Center for Rural Health and Social Services (CRHSS) became actively involved. – CHRSS called upon us to develop a survey. Why Survey Smoking Compliance on campus?

3 Purpose To determine the knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of SIUC students in regards to smoking compliance on campus.

4 Methods Developed a knowledge, attitude, and behavior survey in compliance with university protocol Sample – Convenience sample – HED 101 Students – Total number of subjects (N) = 107

5 Methods, cont… Cronbach’s Alpha (.74): attitude scale reliability Frequency distributions Independent t-test – Smokers/non-smokers

6 Demographics 107 total respondents 46% (n = 48) of respondents were male 54% ( n= 57) of respondents were female Smokers = 22 (21%) – Male: 14 – Female: 8 Non-smokers = 84 (79%) – Male: 34 – Female: 49 – Unknown: 1 Unknown (smoking status) = 1

7 Knowledge Items Smoking at a Hookah Bar is permissible if food and alcohol are sold (False) Penalty for smoking in a smoke-free area ($100-$250) SIUC is a smoke-free campus. (False) Smoke Free Illinois Act is a state regulation. Started the Illinois Tobacco Quitline. (IDPH) Local/campus police are responsible for enforcing the smoke-free law. (True)

8 Item Mean for Attitudes Towards Smoking Compliance * significance at.05 Item 21% are smokers and 79% are Non-smokers ACS: 28.5% of college students are smokers Non-smokersSmokers 1. Smoke Free Illinois Act for smokers should be strictly enforced by campus police. 3.86905 2.59091 2. To avoid smokers, a clear path to a doorway should be easily identified when going into a campus building. 4.04762 3.28571 3. Smokers should have a smoking space marked by visible signage. 4.02439 3.45455 4. Funding to maintain smoking areas should come from monetary fines.* 3.31325 2.66667 5. Students fined more than 5 times should automatically be charged a designated student fee for each semester enrolled. 3.38554 2 6. SIUC should be able to withhold transcripts and diplomas for students with unpaid smoking fines. 2.80488 1.85714 7. One should be fined when found smoking near a window or near the entrance of a building on campus. 3.7381 2.5 8. On campus the first offense for noncompliance with the Smoke Free Illinois Act justifies a fine. 3.22619 2.63636 9. Disciplinary action for a smoking violation should follow the SIUC student conduct code. 3.52381 2.86364 10. Campus police may enforce a monetary fine if they observe a smoking violation. 3.73171 2.59091 11. Faculty, staff,and instructors may report a smoking violation. 3.6747 2.86364 12. There should be no enforcement of a monetary fine. 2.31325 3.13636 13. The Smoke Free Illinois Act is confusing and hard to follow. 2.5 2.95238 14. Smoking regulations on campus will lead to an increase in smoking cessation. 2.91667 2.95455 15. If caught smoking in a restricted area, an acceptable punishment would be the confiscation of cigarettes by campus police. 3.22619 2.45455 16. The practices of faculty and staff smokers on campus affect the smoking practices of students. 3.36145 2.54545 17. The Smoke Free Illinois Act is a violation of personal rights. 2.70238 3.18182 * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

9 Item Mean for Behavior Towards Smoking Compliance Item Smokers N=22 Non-smokers N=84 Always or almost always (approx. 100%) (5) Most of the time (approx. 75%) (4) Often (approx. 50%) (3) Sometimes (approx. 25%) (2) Never or almost never (approx. 0%) (1) Smokers: N = 22 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1.5 0 1. With visible signage posted I would comply: 3.55 2. During increment weather I would use a shelter: 4.36 3. If no shelter is provided, I would continue to smoke outdoors: 3.32 4. I would dispose of my finished cigarette, if a cigarette butt receptacle is in my path of travel: 4.09 5. How many times a day do you smoke a tobacco product on campus? 2.0 (5-9 cigarettes per day) Non-Smokers: N = 84 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1.5 0 6. How often would you ask a smoker to move to the appropriate smoking area? 2.0375 7. If you witnessed a smoker in noncompliance would you report him/her? 1.75

10 Conclusions Most appear to have a sound knowledge of the smoking act. well recognized. Non-smokers are not likely to confront a smoker. Non-smokers support the enforcement of the Smoke Free Illinois Act.

11 Smokers would utilize an outside smoking shelter if provided. Smokers would agree to dispose of cigarettes if receptacles were available. Respondents believed campus/city police have the most impact on the enforcement of smoking compliance. Non-smokers support monetary fines to enforce smoking compliance. Conclusions, cont…

12 Immediate efforts should be taken: – Establishing clear paths/smoking sections – Visible signage placement – Enforcement by campus/city police – Disciplinary action for non-compliance Implications

13 Recommendations Collect data via focus groups. Broaden the sample to be more representative. Promote advocacy among non-smokers.

14 References 1.Facts About College Smoking. University of Rhode Island. 2001. Accessed April 26, 2008. 2.Fortin J. Smoke-Free College Trend Growing. dex.html. November 12, 2007. Accessed April 27, 2008 dex.html

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