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2020 VISION – Identifying Methods of Improving the two-way participation between established and new communities, promoting inclusion in lifelong learning.

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Presentation on theme: "2020 VISION – Identifying Methods of Improving the two-way participation between established and new communities, promoting inclusion in lifelong learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 2020 VISION – Identifying Methods of Improving the two-way participation between established and new communities, promoting inclusion in lifelong learning and employment.

2 According to data from the Central Statistical Office in Poland live 1 820 300 VISUALLY IMPAIRED persons in all age groups. The employment rate for people with vision dysfunction is about 14.5% (average). In the EU 42-50%. Blind people - unemployment rates

3 - low level of integration between the people – we don’t see very often blind people on the street, and if we do, they are usually accompanied by guides - lack of common acceptation of disabilities – which affects motivation and actions of potential employers. It doesn’t come from malice, but mostly from ignorance Barriers of blind people on the labour market - Why don’t employers want to hire disabled / blind people? Analyze of literature and researches Barriers of blind people on the labour market - Why don’t employers want to hire disabled / blind people? Analyze of literature and researches

4 - people are afraid of what is unknown to them. They prefer to hire people without disabilities - employers often don’t have knowledge about rules of hiring disabled people, including the visually impaired, and have poor knowledge about possibilities of reimbursements -some employers, who are familiar with the rules of employment of people with disabilities, think that the subsidies are not profitable for them Why don’t employers want to hire disabled / blind people? Why don’t employers want to hire disabled / blind people?

5 - an additional problem concerns the architectural barriers for the people in the wheelchair. In the case of the visually impaired people, the problem for employer is unsuitable work place, lack of a Brail ruler, lack of speech synthesizer. Employers don’t have the knowledge that they can obtain reimbursements for this kind of equipment Why don’t employers want to hire disabled / blind people? Why don’t employers want to hire disabled / blind people?

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