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Formerly known as “The Four Year Research Project” Basha High School “The Citizens of Basha” Project.

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1 formerly known as “The Four Year Research Project” Basha High School “The Citizens of Basha” Project

2 Let’s set the record strait… There are few academic situations that allow you to: Choose your own learning Create your own goals Utilize your natural gifts and talents to help a cause you’re passionate about Offer you REAL world skills

3 The Citizens of Basha “We, the students at Basha High, in order to create a better world, and in order to shape our own futures, with a benevolent spirit and an academic mind, do here by promise to make OUR legacy one that is lasting, generous, smart, and AWESOME. As a result of OUR influence, we, the citizens of BHS, will be shining examples of our generation” GO BEARS!

4 Let’s Review the big picture

5 Freshman Year Research Proposal Objectives: Choose a topic—something that aligns with your passion and your gifts Do preliminary research Create a “game” plan

6 Sophomore Year Annotated Bibliography Objectives: Research so you become an expert on your topic Refine your topic EVALUATE sources—don’t look like a fool! Connect research to your ultimate goal

7 Junior Year Research Paper Objectives Incorporate research into academic writing Demonstrate your prowess, your knowledge, your passion to help! Generate an understanding of your connection to the topic

8 Senior Year THE Project Objectives To assume the authority, control, and leadership of a serious project To build real world skills (communication, organization, management, action) To create something that endures—your positive actions have immortality!

9 FAQ’s Can I get $$ to support my idea? Yep! You can apply for a grant Can I change my topic? If there was ever a time—sophomore year is the time to do it. Remember: be practical, think about the project down the line, consult your teacher. What if I don’t have a research proposal (I’m new to BHS?) Your teacher will “fast-forward” you through the process. Then you will jump in with your peers.

10 You CAN make a difference! a_my_simple_invention_designed_to_keep_m y_grandfather_safe?language=en#t-10751 a_my_simple_invention_designed_to_keep_m y_grandfather_safe?language=en#t-10751 What would this student need to research? How did he solve his problem? What information did he discover?

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