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Bio-indicators: “EPT Diversity” Ephemeroptera (mayfly) Plecoptera (stonefly) Trichoptera (caddisfly)

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Presentation on theme: "Bio-indicators: “EPT Diversity” Ephemeroptera (mayfly) Plecoptera (stonefly) Trichoptera (caddisfly)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bio-indicators: “EPT Diversity” Ephemeroptera (mayfly) Plecoptera (stonefly) Trichoptera (caddisfly)

2 Riffle Beetles

3 Organic Matter in Soil

4 Yellow-spotted millipede Harpaphe haydeniana

5 Final Project Choose your own groups (4-7 people) 10-12 page research paper (incl. figures) Study can incorporate either random or (if not possible) non-random sampling, and can be either an observational study or a manipulative (randomized) experiment, but must have relevance to: –(1) Environment / Ecology * –(2) Human health, or –(3) Human behavior

6 Requirements and Schedule 1) Decide on topic & basic approach (today). 2) Research proposal (Thurs 2/17): short (5 minute) Powerpoint presentation. 3) 1 st draft of manuscript (ms) (due Tues 3/8). 4) Peer review (turned back by Thurs 3/10). 5) Final version of your ms (due at the latest by 10am, Tuesday 3/15). Grade: 10% proposal, 15% peer review, 75% final ms.

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