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Tacia. Topic Introduction The topic that I chose to study dealt with Scrabble Cheez-Its. I wanted to know if the letters of the Cheeze-Its in the box.

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Presentation on theme: "Tacia. Topic Introduction The topic that I chose to study dealt with Scrabble Cheez-Its. I wanted to know if the letters of the Cheeze-Its in the box."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tacia

2 Topic Introduction The topic that I chose to study dealt with Scrabble Cheez-Its. I wanted to know if the letters of the Cheeze-Its in the box were the same as those in the game. I thought that of the 304 data points I collected I would have more vowels than any other letters.

3 Data LetterFrequency A23N11 B12O27 C25P7 D5Q3 E38R18 F0S19 G16T19 H3U11 I20V5 J4W7 K4X1 L12Y7 M3Z4 Total304

4 Actual Scrabble Pieces While conducting this experiment I was curious if the pieces is the Cheez-It box were the same as in the actual game. To test this I found the pieces on line and created a one to one graph, below are my results. My r value was.845. This means that the amount of some letters were the same in both the Cheez-It box and in the game, but not many.

5 Histogram

6 Stem and Leaf 0 01333444 0 55777 1 1122 1 68999 2 3 2 57 3 3 8

7 Dot Plot

8 Pie Graph

9 Box Plot

10 Measures of Center Mean 11.69 Median 9 Mode E

11 Measures of Dispersion Range 38 Standard Deviation 9.52

12 Outliers Fences -18.5 and 41.5 The minimum data point was 4 and the maximum was 38 so there were no outliers within the collected data.

13 Chebychev Graph and Z Scores All of the Z scores were within three standard deviations of the mean -16.8-7.2-2.2 11.721.230.740.2 Mean

14 Summary The data that I collected was only a partial partial representation. The theoretical and actual values did not always match. After conducting this experiment I found that while playing a game of scrabble the letter most likely to be chosen in E, R and T which is not the same in a box of Cheez-Its.

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