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Welcome September 2015 P T S TUDENTS A HART Soaring.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome September 2015 P T S TUDENTS A HART Soaring."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome September 2015 P T S TUDENTS A HART Soaring

2 Agenda  Housekeeping  What are Soaring Students?  Meeting Schedules  Participation  Volunteer Opportunities  Sign Up Genius  Weebly  Team Building Soaring Students

3 Housekeeping  Introductions  Meeting Mechanics Soaring Students

4 Introductions  Chairs  Mrs. Paul  Leadership Team  Matthew Daines  Maya Grupido  Aydan Makar  Alexis Pfarrer Soaring Students

5 Meeting Mechanics  Attendance Sheets  Each student is responsible for bringing their card to the meeting and getting it stamped.  4 points are earned for each full hour meeting you attend  Arrival  Get your card stamped outside of the media center  Put your backpacks in front of the librarians desk  Grab a seat in the Lecture Hall quietly. Soaring Students

6 Meeting Mechanics  Soaring Students White Tub  This is where you hand everything in – BUT you are responsible for making sure your name is on it the items  Hand in Registration Forms Soaring Students

7 Agenda  Housekeeping  What are Soaring Students?  Meeting Schedules  Participation  Volunteer Opportunities  Sign Up Genius  Weebly  Team Building Soaring Students

8 What is Soaring Students?  The S 2 program is a structured way for students to set goals to excel academically and to develop interpersonal and social responsibility skills.  Focus areas:  Community service  Academic achievement  Citizenship  Extra-curricular participation  Leadership Soaring Students

9 Soaring Students Goals  Perform Service  Participants will help the school, community through service activities  Maintain Academic Achievement  Participants should be in good academic standing  Leadership Development  Participants will learn how to run meetings, lead a project and work as a team.  Build Character  Participants will participate in decision making, setting examples of good citizenship for the students of Hart, listening to others and working within a team Soaring Students

10 Agenda  Housekeeping  What are Soaring Students?  Meeting Schedules  Participation  Volunteer Opportunities  Sign Up Genius  Weebly  Team Building Soaring Students

11 Meeting Schedule Day of WeekDateTimePlace Weds 23-Sep2:30-3:30Media Center Weds 7-Oct2:30-3:30Media Center Weds 4-Nov 2:30-3:30Media Center Weds 2-Dec 2:30-3:30Media Center Weds 6-Jan 2:30-3:30Media Center Weds 3-Feb 2:30-3:30Media Center Weds 2-Mar 2:30-3:30Media Center Weds 13-Apr 2:30-3:30Media Center Weds 4-May 2:30-3:30Media Center Soaring Students

12 Agenda  Housekeeping  What are Soaring Students?  Meeting Schedules  Participation  Volunteer Opportunities  Sign Up Genius  Weebly  Team Building Soaring Students

13 Participation  2015-2016  Focus will be on participating in all meetings(4 point per each full meeting you attend)  Obtain 120 points by end of year to be recognized*  1 point for each 15 mins of volunteer  Additional points for certain projects(IE Bake Sale Ingredients, Pop Tabs etc)  5 points for facilitating a meeting  5 points for taking minutes during meeting  5 points for submitting a potential project  10 points for chairing a project + counts as leadership point  Continue focus on academic achievement  By 8 th Grade, you will need to achieve a leadership point. There are many ways to do this, facilitating a meeting, chairing an event etc. Soaring Students

14 Point Options Point Requirement120 ItemPointsGuidelines Pop Tabs1 pt for every 10 tabs Pop Tabs must be countd and put in a bag with your name on them Cambells/Box Tops1 pt for every 10 labels(labels must be cut) All labels must be cut according to guidelines. Labels must be sorted by Box Tops/Campbells in separate bags, with your name on them. Meetings4 points for every full meeting attended Point Sheet must be stamped at meeting Soaring Student Volunteer Hours1 pt for every 15 minutes Need a total of 8 hours service for the year External Service Hours1 pt for every 15 minutes Anything not Soaring Students Related - Maximum of 30 points per year Donation of ItemsWill depend on each activityMaximum of 60 points per year 8th Grader Leadership By the time the student finishes 8th Grade, a leadership role will need to be fullfilled. This counts as 20 points, the year that the student completes it. Must be preapproved by Soaring Students leader

15 Participation Soaring Students  In addition to meetings, we will have the opportunity to participate in numerous volunteer activities.

16 Point Sheets  Keep a point sheet  Point Sheets will be handed out today  Hand these point sheets in during the December meeting  You will receive new point sheets in January  Ensure you document the activity and the time spent or item donated.  YOU DO NOT NEED TO HAVE YOUR POINT SHEET SIGNED DURING MEETINGS  Ensure the sponsor of the activity signs the form  DO NOT LOOSE YOUR POINT SHEET Soaring Students

17 Agenda  Housekeeping  What are Soaring Students?  Meeting Schedules  Participation  Volunteer Opportunities  Sign Up Genius  Weebly Soaring Students

18 Volunteer Opportunities

19 Student Meeting Volunteers  Each Meeting I would like a student to :  Take minutes and type them up  Volunteer to facilitate the next meeting(I will assist you with the agenda topics)  Each of these roles will earn an additional 5 point per meeting Soaring Students

20 Initial Projects  October 8 Meeting  Bring Gloves, we will be cleaning up around Hart outside  St. Jude Walk A Thon – September 26  16 points for walking/running  10 points for having a friend register with our team  5 points for every $25 you raise in donations  Run Brooksie Way or Scare Away Hunger and earn 10 points  Ronald McDonald Pop Tabs – For every 10 pop tabs, you will receive 1 point  Box Tops/Campbells – 1 point for every 10 CUT labels handed in Soaring Students

21 Submit a New Project Idea  Use the Project Idea Form on our website  Review your Project Idea with your parents/guardians  Email your Project Idea Form to 5 days before the meeting  Present your Idea at a meeting Soaring Students

22 Agenda  Housekeeping  What are Soaring Students?  Meeting Schedules  Participation  Volunteer Opportunities  Sign Up Genius  Weebly Soaring Students

23 Sign up Genius  We will use Sign-Up Genius for all volunteer activities  Important that we have your email address  When you receive an invite to signupgenius, click on the invite and it will take you to the ‘sign up’  Instructions for using Signupgenius can be found on our webpage, as well as the link to   If you sign up for an activity and do not attend, you will be deducted the amount of points you would have earned. Soaring Students

24 Agenda  Housekeeping  What are Soaring Students?  Meeting Schedules  Participation  Volunteer Opportunities  Sign Up Genius  Weebly  Team Building Soaring Students

25 Weebly  Soaring Students

26 Communication  Sign Up Genius  Email from  Text Reminders from remind me  Weebly  Hart Headlines

27 Questions?

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